Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s Unmitigated Gall Should Not Be Tolerated – IOTW Report

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s Unmitigated Gall Should Not Be Tolerated

…Now, he [Zelenskyy] seems emboldened enough to name a list of “speakers who promote narratives consonant with Russian propaganda” that includes U.S. citizens. Americans on the list include journalist Glenn Greenwald, former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Senator Rand Paul, and 25 others


Our global elites tell us that supporting Ukraine is akin to saving democracy in the West. However, increasingly this entire debacle seems like the tail wagging the dog. While neocons like Bill Kristol seem to think Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is “admirable” for his antics in front of the camera since Russia invaded Ukraine, some of us remember he was a television actor before assuming the presidency. It also seems American and European dignitaries can enter the war zone without fear of reprisal or violence.

It is also becoming increasingly clear that Ukraine is not a democracy. Zelenskyy has undertaken some moves typically reserved for authoritarians like Putin. In January, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko returned to Kyiv to face treason charges. According to Reuters:

Poroshenko, 56, is being investigated for alleged treason linked to the financing of Russian-backed separatist fighters through illegal coal sales in 2014-15. He could face 15 years in prison if convicted. His party accused Zelenskiy of a reckless attempt to silence political opposition.

Obama administration officials handpicked Poroshenko to lead Ukraine after the Maidan Revolution in 2014. This interference in Ukraine’s politics was made clear by an infamous leaked tape of Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Ukrainian Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt. The world focused on Nuland saying, “F*ck the EU”; the actual substance of the conversation gave Russia’s Vladimir Putin the ability to say that the United States was manipulating the political process. more here

10 Comments on Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s Unmitigated Gall Should Not Be Tolerated

  1. If Americans didn’t want (as opposed to “say”) rule by foreigners, they would not accept The United States rule, by foreigners.

    But here they are. Paying “their” taxes. To foreigners. For foreigners.

    Give the people what they want. Not what they say they want.

  2. In Ukraine, Zelensky is known to have been installed and funded by the longtime nazi sympathizer, race-hater, and collaborator George Soros. Z is also a mega-racist, a vicious malicious parasite of a fascist who’s drunk with savage power, control, and manipulation and thinks he’s the be-all and end-all. Horribly, Z has been using his azov ethnic-cleansing battalions against all people of various races living there, making life miserable, fearful, and wretched for the citizenry. Along the outskirts of my area there is a community of Russian and Ukraine citizens who abide peacefully with each other and report exactly what I’m posting here. Add that Joe Biden enables and supports Z by giving him what he demands to continue his power and control over the Ukraine citizenry with billions of dollars in US tax-payer money plus arms—all to be used by Z not to fight Russia but to annihilate Ukraine’s people, and especially targeting ethnic groups such as blacks, asians, indians, and numerous others living or studying there. Add also that Joe Biden is long associated with the Ku Klux Klan, past and present, and has a “bff” in Zelensky since they share the same race-hating sentiments, unlawful goals, and the swindling of their respective citizenry.

  3. And still he can model for Vogue.
    All the money he’s gotten is, in my opinion, blackmail money from the US.
    I’m sure he did get help choosing who to put on his list. And what’s he going to do with his list? Is he going to start demanding the DOJ go after these people? If he does, he’ll probably threaten to expose the money laundering and labs.

  4. I read somewhere that they’re thinking of installing Boris Johnson as the head of NATO after he finally quits as PM, I’d put money on Zelenskyy getting the job instead.

  5. I refuse to spell “Zelensky” with two “y”s.

    What the hell is that. There is no sound in the English language for “yy”.

    The Ukrainian language uses a different alphabet. There is no need to fancyschmancy up the Anglicized translation as “Zelenskyy”.

    And for that matter while I’m on the subject. His first name also is “Vladimir”.

    All of a sudden it’s a big political issue. Kiev. Not Kyiv. Odessa. Not Odesa.

    Tired of the propaganda and the political correctness. Seems petty? The English (aka Latin) alphabet does not belong to others to dictate.

    Start letting someone dictate to you how you must use your own language, and expect to be dictated to elsewhere.

    (And by the way, people don’t have “genders”. Etc.)


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