Ukrainian Prosecutor Testified That Biden Got Him Fired to Stop Investigation of Son’s Firm – IOTW Report

Ukrainian Prosecutor Testified That Biden Got Him Fired to Stop Investigation of Son’s Firm

ICYMI- [Or if you’re like me, you like rubbing evil people’s noses in their bad news.]

Here you go.

BLP: It was revealed on Thursday that former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin once testified under oath that he was fired from his position at the behest of Vice President Joe Biden for investigating Burisma Holdings and the gas company’s relationship with Biden’s son, Hunter.

Journalist John Solomon at The Hill obtained a sworn affidavit containing Shokin’s witness statement that was prepared for European court. In the document, Shokin claims he was told that the reason he was fired was due to Biden’s objections to his investigation over Burisma. more here

10 Comments on Ukrainian Prosecutor Testified That Biden Got Him Fired to Stop Investigation of Son’s Firm

  1. And the sad truth is that almost all our politicians do this stuff. They carve out rules but exempt themselves from those rules. Obamacare for thee but not for me. They exempts themselves by claiming they’re a small business when they are not a business at all. They can do insider trading in the stock market but anyone else goes to jail. They pass legislation that favors their interests and family businesses. Just a big corrupt cabal of criminals.

  2. The Ukrainian’s are sensitive to the creeping corruption inherent in Marxist regimes and went on the attack as soon as it was detected. Too bad this time they were facing the Obama crime syndicate and were overwhelmed.
    The pre-Trump days were very dark for the entire globe.

  3. Doesn’t matter if the DOJ reacts…This is killing an already weak

    minded idiot…Mentally and physically.

    He’s unfit for any job, much less President.

    I’d like to see Him Stroke out on TV.


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