Ukrainian trafficker stopped at border attempting to steal 11-month-old baby to sell for organs – IOTW Report

Ukrainian trafficker stopped at border attempting to steal 11-month-old baby to sell for organs

Human Events: A charity worker has been detained in Ukraine after he was caught trying to buy an 11-month-old baby from his mother and sell the child abroad.

The Daily Mail reported that the 43-year-old man from the Transcarpathian Oblast was detained after he allegedly gave a $1,000 downpayment to the boy’s mother, claiming that he would ensure a family in Europe would adopt him to live away from the war in the Eastern European country.

The woman, from Zhytomyr, was offered a total of $5,000 for the baby, and the man allegedly intended to sell him to traffickers for $25,000.

The man was seen detained with a female accomplice at the Ukraine-Slovakia border. The man was arrested for attempted human trafficking and faces up to 15 years in prison.

The boy was rescued, but the man is suspected to have sold three other children under the same pretext. more here

9 Comments on Ukrainian trafficker stopped at border attempting to steal 11-month-old baby to sell for organs

  1. Seems like more cretins from the depths of Hell are crawling up to the surface and turning up in places like Ukraine where they are given an opportunity to ply their crimes against Humanity supported by billions of American Over-Taxed Payer dollars, championed by the likes of a pig-eyed grinning imbecile!

  2. Money laundering, government kickbacks, MIC profits, shutting down churches and political parties, and now human trafficking. Boy, that’s a really great country we are supporting isn’t it?

  3. …how very Democrat of him.

    …but he doesn’t quite have it right. Kill it in the womb and rip it apart THERE and THEN sell the parts. That way you traumatize the young girl you talked into murdering her infant too.


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