UK’s ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders Drawing Anger – IOTW Report

UK’s ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders Drawing Anger

PJM: Wrongheaded public policies implemented in attempts to stem the spread of COVID-19 have caused more harm than good in many cases here in the United States. But in the United Kingdom, outrage is growing about a particularly pernicious public health directive: ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders for categories of patients with COVID.

These DNR orders first shocked the public across the UK back in December. A quality care organization revealed that certain nursing home residents with COVID were tagged with DNR orders due to other health conditions.

Do-not-resuscitate orders were wrongly allocated to some care home residents during the Covid-19 pandemic, causing potentially avoidable deaths, the first phase of a review by England’s Care Quality Commission has found.

The regulator warned that some of the “inappropriate” do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) notices applied in the spring may still be in place and called on all care providers to check with the person concerned that they consent.

In many cases, according to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), family members were unaware of these orders being placed on their relatives in the nursing homes. read more

16 Comments on UK’s ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ Orders Drawing Anger

  1. “What have we become?”

    Well, we just sat around while an election was stolen and seem to be O.K. with the government injecting us with poison.

    A few choice words come to mind when trying to determine what we’ve become.

  2. …this is one of the reasons why, back in the day, we generally did NOT honor DNRs unless we had some prior contact with the person it was on because you could not trust them.

    …see, in the early days, for one thing they were not standardized, so they could look like pretty much anything. For another, it was not possible to authenticate the signatures in an emergency situation, because – among other things – doctors generally have illegible signatures.

    For a third…and this is the BIG one…not everyone who SAID they have another person’s best interests at heart actually DOES. Some folks want another person to die because they’re tired of them, or because they want an inheritance, or because they have some axe to grind, or they have an “angel of Death” complex because they think it’s just better if their suffering ends.

    Which may not be what the VICTIM wants.

    …understand that you have four minutes, give or take, to make a literal life-or-death decision for a nonbreather, and you probably spent two of them getting there.

    Not a ton of time to sort through all this stuff and TRULY decide what’s in the patient’s best interests and the patient’s desires.

    …so to cut this Gordian knot, we were taught to err on the side of life. Most people WANT to live, and our duty was to life, and it was frankly silly to call a LIFE squad for a DEAD person if you wanted them to STAY that way. Kind of on the down low, we let folks that contacted us about DNRs ahead of time that it was probably best they waited at least 10 minutes before calling for a squad, so it would be a no-doubter at that point.

    …and from a purely LEGAL point of view, it would be easier to go before a jury and explain why I, a medic, caused someone to live who wanted to die, than to explain why I let someone die who wanted to live.

    …and it will be easier to explain before the Throne of God, too…

    And that was BEFORE the State started wanting inconvenient people dead.

    …I don’t know what the kids today would do, but for MY part, if called to a viable patient and told the STATE wanted them to die….I’d ignore THAT as well and do my duty to my oath and my Lord to the best of my abilities to save them, that they may live another day.

    …because at the end of the day, when a man dies is for God to say, and no one else. And my oath to Him was to preserve the lives He created.

    And no man, no institution, and no state or nation can come between that.

    If a man wants to die, that’s his business.

    But he’d best not have anyone call ME, because PREVENTING that death is MY business.

    …so DNR, to me, is Do Not Read.

    …the State can therefore shove that piece of paper, because wiping shit is all it will ever be good for, not wiping out LIVES.

    …because that’s just not their prerogative to choose who lives and who dies.

    …or at least, SHOULD not be…

    …I may be old fashioned though, or an “Obsolete Man” as Hans/Hanz would have it…

    …but I’d like to believe we aren’t as obsolete, OR as rare, as Democrats would have you believe…

  3. Get rid of the elderly who have stories to tell about America’s history and their family’s part in it and the way things used to be compared to now. A generational red flag warning. 😢

  4. I’m ready for the DNR myself.
    I was watching NBC’s The Wall as a respite.
    It’s a game show produced by Lebron James so most contestants are black getting reparations via NBC.
    Tonight they had two white guys so I thought what the hell, I will watch.
    That is until they talked about being anal-secretion lovers.
    Baaarrrffff! I just can’t!
    Yep, I’m a dumbass that simply won’t learn that the agenda is real and we are HATED by the system.

  5. LocoBlancoSaltine
    FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 12:15 AM

    …know what you’re talking about.

    There was a “Lets make a deal” where the game show host “married” a gay couple at the end of the show.

    A “Price Is Right” where a gay couple kept kissing on stage.

    There’s always an obviously gay or Trans on both.

    …you can’t watch ANYTHING without them shoving it in your face.

    That’s why Crackerbaby is right. Best to just not watch their nonsense at all…

  6. I happened to see the episode of 60 Minutes where Dr. Death, er, Kevorkian killed the guy which ended up with the bad Doctor going to prison.

    After the deed was done, they talked to the family. Their reactions went something like this:

    “He was in pain.”
    “He was in misery.”
    “He was a pain in the ass.”

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

  7. Holy $#!+

    Even hospice patients have the right to choose full code until they have a chance to wrap their head around it all

    At least in the USofA….. for now….

    But we deserve what we allow

  8. This is just a sign of the times we are in.

    So take heart and be cheerful about it, things are going to get much worse in the near future.

    Then things will start getting really bad.


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