“Umm … the banks are melting” – IOTW Report

“Umm … the banks are melting”

BPR President Joe Biden took to Twitter to brag about the excellent job his administration has done protecting “lands and waters” but was quickly reminded of his many, many failings by an unimpressed social media audience.

“In my first year in office, we protected more lands and waters than any president since John F. Kennedy. We’ve also made the largest investment to fight climate change – ever,” the tweet read. “Today, we’re building on that momentum by protecting additional natural wonders.”

Biden is taking lumps from both sides of the aisle over this issue:

9 Comments on “Umm … the banks are melting”

  1. The banks that are not in trouble are the small regional banks. Which the Fed is saying they will not offer the same amount of protection to as the huge banks/financial institutions. (The one in trouble). Now the huge banks are trying to consume the smaller healthy banks as fast as they can. The Nazis are trying to consolidate our banking system.

  2. “You are totally worthless.”

    Worthless would be better than destructive – and the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is, most definitely, destructive – with malice aforethought.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The GOP has the answer, remove more federal government controls on the banking system. This way we’ll have bigger & better bank collapse that happened in 2007.

  4. ^^^^ Why is it Libtards think the answer to everything is more Government? Government screws up everything. Shit, just look at what they’ve done to healthcare.


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