UN condemns Israel 10 times, 3 for rest of world combined – IOTW Report

UN condemns Israel 10 times, 3 for rest of world combined

CFP: GENEVA, Nov. 8, 2016 – The U.N. General Assembly nearly completed voting today on 10 resolutions against Israel, compared to three for the rest of the world combined, with one each slated for Syria, Iran, and Crimea. See full list here.

On the renewal of the mandate of a special committee to investigate “Israeli practices,” 86 voted yes, 71 abstained, and 7 opposed, with the U.S., Canada and Australia joining the Jewish state, backed by Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau. Those abstaining included EU members, as well as several from Africa and Latin America, including Argentina, Mexico and Costa Rica.

The U.N.’s assault on Israel today with a torrent of one-sided resolutions is surreal

All 193 UN member states participate in the committee stage today, and then almost always vote the same way when adopting them finally at the GA plenary in December.

“The U.N.’s assault on Israel today with a torrent of one-sided resolutions is surreal,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental watchdog organization.

“Even as Syrian president Bashar Assad is preparing for the final massacre of his own people in Aleppo, the U.N. is about to adopt a resolution — drafted and co-sponsored by Syria — which falsely condemns Israel for ‘repressive measures’ against Syrian citizens on the Golan Heights. It’s obscene,” said Neuer.

“While there will be a total of 20 resolutions against Israel this session, not a single U.N. General Assembly resolution is planned today for gross human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Venezuela, China, or Cuba.”  MORE

4 Comments on UN condemns Israel 10 times, 3 for rest of world combined

  1. According to a Breitbart article from last year the UN ‘Human Rights’ Council (quotes mine) in its first 9 years issued 61 resolutions against Israel and 55 against any other countries. Yeah, I’m sure there’s a good reason and the council isn’t biased in any way.

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