Unarmed Social Workers to Replace Police in Responding to 911 Calls in Cambridge, Massachusetts – IOTW Report

Unarmed Social Workers to Replace Police in Responding to 911 Calls in Cambridge, Massachusetts

GP: The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is preparing to replace police officers with unarmed social workers for some 911 calls. The city’s new Community Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE) team is expected to be operational as soon as July.

The CARE Team, which began training last September and conducting outreach since December, will be dispatched to non-violent incidents and mental health crises. Disturbingly, unlike similar programs in other cities, the CARE Team will not be accompanied by police officers, according to Boston 25 News.

While Liz Speakman, the team’s director, assures that they can “radio for assistance immediately and get back up right away” if safety concerns arise, this raises serious questions about the potential risks involved in this approach. Will social workers without any law enforcement training be equipped to handle unpredictable situations that could escalate rapidly? more

21 Comments on Unarmed Social Workers to Replace Police in Responding to 911 Calls in Cambridge, Massachusetts

  1. You idiots have ABSOLUTELY no clue about how much people lie on 911 calls, about what, and most importantly WHY.

    And you apparently have NO idea how fast a scene can go South if its already emotionally charged when some other family/friends/ gang members join the party.

    I used to be on the output side of a 911 call.

    The dispatch information is just a STARTING point, you NEVER take it at face value until you have trusted friendlys on scene.

    And as for “radio for assistance immediately and get back up right away”, putting aside how unlikely it is that the “assistance” will b3 avaliable “immediately”, or the call for it even be HEARD, let me aak you this;

    What makes you think youll be allowed to live long enough to CALL for it?

    Sample comm;

    “2 Sam 81, emergency traffic”.

    “2 Sam 81, go with your emergency”

    “I need 8 Sam units respond my location immediately for multiple assaults”

    …Read that in real time and see how long that takes, while theres unrestrained mayhem busting loose in yo face.

    …and that assumes that you can be coherent, the radio works, no one else steps on your transmission, dispatch hears it, and that you can opnely get through all that with someone committing violence to you hearing it.

    And it also assumes you are allowed to live long enough to get the radio out in the first place.

    …shit like this can only be dreamed up by someone whos never actually BEEN on ANY sort of emergency scene…or someone who REALLY doesnt care WHAT happens to people they send to one, as long as they can virtue signal.

    Its ignorant or its evil, take your pick.

    Either way, its going to get people killed.

  2. My hope is that they are doing this for non-emergency calls. Because, let’s face it, nobody calls the front desk of a police station any more. I’m sure 911 operators get all sorts of goofy requests.

  3. Jason
    FRIDAY, 7 JUNE 2024, 10:45 AT 10:45 AM
    “My hope is that they are doing this for non-emergency calls.”

    …you dont know which ones are “non-emergency” calls.

    One of my probationary squad runs was a young girl outside having seizures. Routine EMS, no?

    Without going into details, it turned out she was only faking seizures to gather a crowd so her rapist father she ran away from couldnt recover her.

    …as for bizarre, well…


    I loved my dispatchers, true pros who did everything they could to get me everything I needed. But we all understood they were not gods and could only relate what they were told, so you still had to plan for anything, keep your eyes wide open, and do your own diligence in the size-up, because the situation you are told and the one you get may be two COMPLETLEY different things…

  4. Cambridge also banning single family homes. Once everyone is tidily packed into multiple family units, with lots of illegal male immigrants of military age all speaking different languages and on a hot summer’s day, those social workers will come in handy!

  5. I’m totally fine with this. I don’t live in Massatwoshits so it will have no effect on me. I may or may not have enough effect on the residents of Massatwoshits to start questioning their voting habits.

    More than likely it won’t. When you’re in love to the extent the left is with the societal dreams behind something, nothing is viewed as a failure.

  6. Lots of luck, this is an extremely stupid idea and will backfire on them big time. Social workers are useless, they are a bunch of well-meaning leftists with no training in law enforcement and have no clue but good intentions. And we all know that good intentions are worthless and a slow door down into Hell. And I have a bachelor’s degree in social work (EWU 1980) that is totally worthless. I never could’ve been a social worker because I saw thru their lies as a Christian and couldn’t reconcile my Christian beliefs with all the bs (Cloward and Piven) in the social work field. And I can’t save the world on my own without God so there’s that also.

  7. Since most social workers are overwhelmingly female, and recent graduates, I wonder how a 24 year old girl is going to handle a 6’4” naked homeless guy on drugs who suddenly arms himself and attacks.

  8. Lately, I’ve been binge-watching police body-cam videos. It’s amazing to watch how a simple traffic stop descends into utter chaos, requiring multiple backup units, and the driver getting multiple felony charges.


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