Unbeelievable! – IOTW Report


Bees are smarter than we think:

Not The Bee:

In the video (taken in Brazil) the woman says “the bees teamed up to take my soda!”

Seriously, those are two tiny insects working in tandem to unscrew an object that 1) ten times their size and 2) not found in nature.

How in the world do such tiny creatures have the ability to solve such complex problems?

13 Comments on Unbeelievable!

  1. On several occasions I have seen Meat Bees (yellowjackets or similar) team-up to abscond with a fragment of meat too large for one to handle.


  2. I can’t tell from the brief video if the bees had to unscrew the cap or if the cap was simply placed on top of the bottle and the bees, through uncoordinated individual attempts to get at the sugar between the cap and bottle, happened to both apply enough upward force to tip the cap off. At the start of the video the two bees were opposite each other, so upward forces wouldn’t tip the cap off. At the end, the bees had shifted each towards the camera and their simultaneous lift succeeded in getting rid of the cap.

    That’s an amusing video but I really don’t think it was a coordinated effort by bees who knew how to unscrew a soda cap.

  3. Critters of all varieties are getting smarter
    while humans are getting dumber…
    We got people in Africa that are now only
    15 points above a chimp.

  4. I beeleeve Uncle Al is correct. The cap was not screwed on and all the little worker bees had to do was pop the top. Still, not an insignificant accomplishment, but not the unbeeleevable feat that it was made out to bee.

  5. I’ve learned about the amazing life of bees from my neighbor who has over a hundred hives in various locations including his back yard. He usually gives me a big jar of honey every year.


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