‘Unbelievable’: Dozens of Georgia witnesses step forward to expose election irregularities – IOTW Report

‘Unbelievable’: Dozens of Georgia witnesses step forward to expose election irregularities

Over 40 witnesses spoke to the media at Cobb Country Republican Party Headquarters in Georgia on Dec 9, 10, 13, and 14. They presented evidence of election irregularities and fraud they had collected during the 2020 election ballot counts and recount. Some of them did not get the chance to give their testimonies in person, but sent their video testimonies or did a video interview online.

17 Comments on ‘Unbelievable’: Dozens of Georgia witnesses step forward to expose election irregularities

  1. It needs too be presented in Court and accepted by it as evidence and proof to be used in its rulings for it to have any legal value.

    AFIK, this hasn’t happened yet. I don’t think is has been rejected or considered false either, just something regarded as an unproven claim with no action being taken on it one way or the other so far.

    Maybe the Courts just don’t consider it relevant in relation to the suits filed so far.

  2. No one cares.
    Facts are for fools.

    The politicians are corrupt.
    The Courts are corrupt.

    Every-fukkin-body KNEW this “election” was a tremendous fraud.
    The maggots have been setting it up since “motor-voter” and We, the People of the United States, the Sovereign of this Great Republic, sat on our thumbs and let it pass.

    The Republican Party doesn’t GAF about the Republic.
    The Demonrat Party doesn’t GAF about democracy.
    They are – to all appearances – grabbing all that they can – the country be damned.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If these fools don’t shut up, the Georgia skies are going to be lit up by flaming, flying engine blocks, and the ground filled up with an unusually high number of holiday suicides. Raffensperger is very disappointed in the people of Georgia.

  4. “It’s not evidence until the MSM says it is, so the courts don’t care.”

    So true. The media projects, saying all the fraud claims sound suspiciously similar, that some blatant copy and paste operation is going on to smear the good & honest electioneers. Or something is misspelled in a court filing by the plaintiff, so it’s laughably obvious incompetence and desperation which must be thrown out posthaste. And if the cases and evidence get past those media gates, it’s nothing but corrupt judges parroting “LaCk oF StAnDiNg LaCk oF StAnDiNg La LaLaLa La I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!”

    So we end up with Concede Trolls droning, “Trump is 0-50 iN tHe CoUrTs aNd tHeRe iS nO eViDeNcE!!!”

  5. I read today Tank Abrams has pushed 1 Million votes into the run off.

    Why not? You just committed the most historic voter fraud scheme in our history, pretty much right in our faces. No DOJ or FBI pushback. No opposing party outrage.

    Way to go GOP.

    McConnell doesn’t want the majority and he’s doing everything he can to lose it. So much better to be able to moan and raise money as the downtrodden than to lead ain’t it Mitch?

  6. Praise GOD!! This is an answer to prayer! Do not get demoralized and adopt a defeatist attitude. This is the major part of their psy-ops against us. They know that they have no standing in the law. It will only take one case-win to bring the whole thing down. Keep and guard your faith in GOD! Keep praying. Thank GOD for this test of faith. Consider fasting with your prayers. Stay on your reps backs and become their worse nightmares. Form cells of like minded people and pray and write and protest as groups. Keep swinging!

  7. One of these days we should all hope to “HAVE STANDING”.

    Obey all laws (ha), paying your taxes, serving our military, mowing your lawn regularly DOESN’T MEAN JACK.

    Unless you show teeth, maybe even USE them on these brazen criminals, they have TOLD you, you mean nothing, they care not, and you will have nothing so they can take all.

    What is left for you to not see by now?

    IOW, what will it take for you to get the message? Picture Mooch needing to scratch his ‘itch’ with/on you; maybe that will clarify your status.

  8. Ask yourself this question-how’s it feel to support a system with your taxes in which you essentially have no representation. In fact not only no representation but are gaslit to believe you’re in a small minority and are insane for wanting traditional values.

  9. How many Anonymouses do we have on this site?

    Or, do we have only one who seems to change from day to day? Or am I imaginitinating things?

    I guarantee there is only one Tim Buktu, but he does have a psychic “friend” named Mr. Hector Murmansk, and a brand new “friend” named Clyde Cooterville who will soon make his presence known.


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