“UNBELIEVABLY SEDITIOUS”: Here’s What We Know About Barack Obama’s Involvement in #Obamagate – IOTW Report

“UNBELIEVABLY SEDITIOUS”: Here’s What We Know About Barack Obama’s Involvement in #Obamagate

Via OAN: In an exclusive interview, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told One America’s John Hines that he now knows “what former President Obama knew and when he knew it” regarding the targeting of General Michael Flynn and the surveillance of then president-elect Trump.

8 Comments on “UNBELIEVABLY SEDITIOUS”: Here’s What We Know About Barack Obama’s Involvement in #Obamagate

  1. Fitton does great work. Don’t get me wrong.
    But he is merely shaking his fist against tyranny like the rest of us. He works hard to cross the T’s and dot the I’s.

    And not a single rat bastard he’s caught red handed has suffered an hour in prison.

    God I’m in awful mood. Sick of hearing that anyone is going to prison. Only our guys do. For no reason. Without guilt, when J Edgar Comey, Commie Brennan, the lovers Lisa and what’s his name, Lerner, Koskinen, and people whose names have faded from memory have totally skated.

    I’m worn out.

  2. here’s something to cheer you up, PHenry

    just a minute ago Tucker Carlson was commenting on Pelosi’s obesity comment about Trump & said, “People that have glass faces shouldn’t throw stones”

  3. Perhaps the walls are finally closing in on this seditious bastard. I trust Tom Fitton’s opinions more than any lawyer or politician opining on these matters on any day, week, month or year. He’s truly a great American.

  4. PHenry – from what I understand it’s like a Chess game. Pawns go first, which will take time and the QUEEN will protect the KING! But he will be the last to go. Have faith and know GOD will win. My prayers are always there!

    God Bless us all!!

  5. To Mary Hatch, maybe chess and checkers at the same time?? Those red checkers, given the right move, made ‘leaps and bounds’ over the black checkers? No?

    And Chess…yes.

    GBuTOO, everyone.



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