UNC Charlotte Students Can Choose from 345 ‘Diversity’ Courses – IOTW Report

UNC Charlotte Students Can Choose from 345 ‘Diversity’ Courses

Legal Insurrection:

Higher education is absolutely obsessed with diversity. Schools boast about their commitment to it all the time but this is a bit much.

The College Fix reports:

UNC Charlotte offers 345 ‘diversity’ courses

Scrolling through a spreadsheet listing every possible diversity class within the University of North Carolina-Charlotte’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences might take some time.

That’s because the inventory is very extensive.

The 21-page list, dubbed “CLAS Diversity Courses,” details 345 classes representing a broad spectrum of fields and majors, including Religious Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, Languages and Culture Studies, and Africana Studies.  MORE

11 Comments on UNC Charlotte Students Can Choose from 345 ‘Diversity’ Courses

  1. Finally, this is a good time to mention that I identify as an adopted African Albanian albino bilateral amputee lesbian dwarf with options on genders and victim statuses to be determined later trapped in a 6’1″ cis-gendered Caucasian male.

  2. Any historic examination of diversity will show it leads to social instability and civil war. The events of Charlottesville are a lab study.

    I wonder where they’ll find case studies that show the opposite? Cuba? Venezuela? Africa?

  3. Notice that no one can declare WHY “diversity” is “good?”

    They can only declare it as an article of faith – cuz that’s what it is.

    Corporations that have accepted “diversity” for the sake of political correctness have jettisoned excellence. Schools (regardless of level) that propound “diversity” have, too, jettisoned excellence and all standards of intellectual achievement, and dispense pabulum and foolishness – like “women’s” and “gender” studies as opposed to any study requiring mental vigor.
    Once “higher” education became a province of the State it lost its reason to be and became a megaphone for the prevailing ignorance of the bureaucrats and functionaries who stand in awe of frauds like Tyson, Nye, Mann, Gore, Gruber, and various other maliciously ignorant entertainers.

    Thus we sacrifice our culture, our civilization, to the fetishes of the malevolent. It’s kind of a sad reality that people only wake to their danger when rectification requires a Herculean effort, instead of a “stitch in time,” so to speak.

    Ah, well.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. This is a PUBLIC University.
    WTH aren’t North Carolineans raising holy hell to their State Representatives and Senators about getting this wasteful spending (setting aside the crazed politics of it for a moment) under control?!?

  5. I can think of nothing more likely to destroy America then this constant attack on it’s values coming from the diversity now groups. If you country is going to survive I fear it may mean another bloody civil war because the values that have been taught to the left, to blacks, to natives to all the diversity, poverty and racism pimps now go so deep that only an operation to remove it from the body politic will do. Look what happend today in London detween two NFL teams that knelt en masse to protest your country. Something needs to be done.

  6. The left’s plan is/was to morph these “diversity” classes into community organizing groups then eventually into government agencies providing bogus “jobs” for these leftist students. Enter the Trump revolution.

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