Under financial stress, Oberlin College seeks to end unionized custodial and dining hall services – IOTW Report

Under financial stress, Oberlin College seeks to end unionized custodial and dining hall services

Legal Insurrection: Will woke students, faculty and staff react to this union-busting with the same outrage and aggressiveness as was directed at Gibson’s Bakery for having the temerity to stop a student from shoplifting?

Oberlin College has been under financial stress for a number of years, in part the result of problems filling incoming classes. for the tuition-dependent school. There have been cutbacks in many areas of the campus, including faculty.

Oberlin College is rated as financially sound by bond rating agency Moody’s, but the outlook was downgraded to negative in 2018.

The financial impact of the Gibson’s Bakery loss is not yet clear. It will be interesting to see if the negative publicity impacts the incoming class, and how much in grant money needs to be spent to maintain quality and quantity. But clearly Oberlin College has suffered a public relations body blow from the case.

The seriousness of the situation is further revealed in a campus announcement that Oberlin College will seek to replace UAW union workers in the dining hall and custodial services with outsourced contractors. read more

16 Comments on Under financial stress, Oberlin College seeks to end unionized custodial and dining hall services

  1. United Auto Workers are now including custodial services at a lefty anti automobile college.

    So how specialized are their people who build such fantastic cars as the Chevy Malibu, Traverse and Cadillac (the 2nd worst reliability by Consumer Reports in 2019 magazine)

    What are the parents thinking allowing their kids to get a hundred grand worth of debt from such a place?

  2. Why doesn’t someone do an “income disparity” study of our universities? I would love to see the pay gap between those on the top (professors, administrators and especially coaches) and the custodians.

  3. Unions are the bleeding piles of the body politic.

    Ever weakening the body through exsanguination and serious pains in the ass.

    Their only purpose is to bleed business and enrich the criminal bosses.
    The members are useful stooges whose money is stolen and who then have their pensions nationalized. How this plays out in the long run is anybody’s guess but with current estimates at around $220 Trillion it looks a little bleak.

    Unions, tapeworms, ticks, fleas … there must be some reason for them …
    just can’t fathom what it may be …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I imagine that the Bakery case had a lot to do with this change in direction regardless on how they want to downplay it. From what I understand the College is trying every delaying tactic they can to try to wear down the plaintiff and get them to settle for a fraction of what the award was. If I understand civil law correctly when Oberlin lost and was granted an appeal they had to put the value of the whole judgement into a bank account where it would earn interest while the appeal worked it’s way through the court. I hope that’s true and that when the final appeal is tossed they can get their award the same day.
    With luck this will serve as a warning to other “woke” colleges that the sort of behavior exhibited by Oberlin can result in the same outcome for them.

  5. Unfortunately, it will end up costing them more in legal fees fighting the unions than to just keep the bloodsucking bastards.
    Hey, how about a 10% reduction in administration salaries instead?

  6. Eliminate custodial and dining hall services.
    Farm it out to indigent students to help them pay down their college debt.

    Simple solutions for stupid self-imposed problems.
    You’re welcome.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Forced KP for students and faculty.
    “From each according to their abilities…”
    They can certainly all peel spuds and wash dishes
    and their Commie bible requires it of them.
    Unless they are hypocrites….?


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