Under New Law, Cambridge, MA Police Can’t Arrest Illegal Immigrants for Driving Without a License – IOTW Report

Under New Law, Cambridge, MA Police Can’t Arrest Illegal Immigrants for Driving Without a License


Legal Insurrection: The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts just brought the concept of sanctuary city to a whole new level. In an effort to protect illegal immigrants from ICE, the city has passed a new law which directs police not to arrest illegals caught driving without a driver’s license.

They don’t call it the ‘People’s Republic of Cambridge’ for nothing, folks. As a Massachusetts native, let me assure you that pretty much every joke you’ve heard about Cambridge is true. more here

21 Comments on Under New Law, Cambridge, MA Police Can’t Arrest Illegal Immigrants for Driving Without a License

  1. Dear Cambridge, MA, ever hear of the hierarchy of laws? The Constitution is the law of the land.

    If the police made an oath to defend and support the Constitution of the United States, then Cambridge, MA is telling them to violate their oath of office.

  2. Massachusetts drivers are among the worst in the nation. This will just cloak their incompetence.

    If it spreads across the state, vacationers on Cape Cod will have more to worry about than just the sharks. Happy Motoring!

  3. For a law to be “just” it must be:
    Intuitively obvious
    Universally applicable.

    This is neither.
    It consigns everyone who is NOT an illegal-alien invader to second-class status.
    The cops should DO their jobs and let the courts turn the malefactors loose OR refuse to ticket ANYONE for driving without a license.
    (but to expect integrity from a MA outfit is a bit much)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Anonymous February 23, 2020 at 12:39 pm

    > Then they shouldn’t be allowed to arrest anybody without a license.

    It really, really, hurts! When you burn your tongue. But you love that bacony smell. So, you keep licking the stove. (shake ma head)

  5. …so, if I tell the cop in Spanish that I’m a White Hispanic Illegal with no documents or SSN he can check, he just has to wave me along on my way?

    …hmm, I may have to visit MA, got a car I wanna test the top speed on, and this sounds like a good place to do it…

  6. …ever notice that whatever constituency Democrats are pandering to this week, that constituency ALWAYS gets priviledges over and above ordinary citizens?

    …I’m sure that’s just a coincidence…/s

  7. jellybean February 23, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    > Another step closer to vigilantism.

    Oh! You just wait! As soon as that vigilantism steps close enough to this couch…! Bang! Zoom! To da Moon!

    (I swear on my bowtie.)

  8. Helo Driver,
    This is in the uber-snooty liberal area of the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. Aside from that, I wonder how the Registry of Motor Vehicles Police (aka DMV Gestapo) will deal with this? Those guys are brutal.

    Source: Am a former Masshole.

  9. Does this apply only to Mexican and Central American illegals or will it be applied equally to illegals from all other countries as well (i.e. China, Africa, Canada, Middle East)?


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