Under Newsom’s ridiculous new rule, California will never fully open for business – IOTW Report

Under Newsom’s ridiculous new rule, California will never fully open for business

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond: Enough is Enough, Governor Newsom.

[…] San Diego County has a population of 3.3 million. Under the new guidelines, San Diego County would need to have fewer than 330 new cases over 14 days, and also be able to administer 5,000 tests per day. With a countywide population of 3.3 million people, that means if only .01% of the county’s population tests positive, businesses such as restaurants and fitness centers would not be able to open. MORE

20 Comments on Under Newsom’s ridiculous new rule, California will never fully open for business

  1. As is common with all these Democrat governors, it just takes one thing to get them to change their policies: MONEY.
    A nice contribution will get your business on the Approved to Open list.

  2. Newscum will be crawling to the media and the feds for a bailout within a week. Stupid bastard just dosn’t get that if you have no businesses, then you have no tax revenue.

  3. oh and don’t forget, NO DEATHS for 14 days in a row….Los Angeles averages 200 deaths now in a 14 day period from…..wait for it….yes the FLU and PNUEMONIA right now…..

    Still think this is not political? Get your head out of your ass and watch the moving goal posts daily….

  4. Non essential = unnecessary = unneeded = a waste of resources.

    Resources that could better be used elsewhere to keep the high command and their support structure healthy, functional, and growing and secure in their positions.

    Don’t think they are not considering this as the maintain their lock down strategy, or that they are figuring out what to do about it and how to implement it.

    So where do YOU fit into their vision of the future? What plans do they have for you?

  5. More than 99.5% of tests need a negative result in order to open California. Seems like healthy people need to get off their ass and go for testing. But they aren’t going to waste a test on someone who doesn’t show symptoms. Ironically it’ll be about rights when the number of tests are too low, Newsome will claim you can’t force people to be tested.

    But who knows, my freaking dentist refuses to open until everyone who walks in the door is first tested negative with some sub-1 minute test.

  6. …Democrats never WILLINGLY give up power. Once they HAVE it, you’ll have to TAKE it back.

    You know that old saw about how you can VOTE your way INTO socialism, but you have to SHOOT your way out?

    …well, here we are…

  7. The only way to end the lockdown is to end the lockdown. I’ve been saying since day 1, as have all the “flatten the curve” dolts that the lockdown slows the spread, we’re actually in agreement. But, we don’t want to slow the spread, we want the virus to work its way thru the population by natural progression. Without lockdown we would already be done with CONvid-19. Lockdown, which is actually a soft lockdown since we can still congregate in grocery stores, liquor stores, pot stores… is doing nothing but ENSURING its continued existence and SLOW spread that will last for years and years and years at this rate. Vaccine is bullshit, not only will it not likely happen, but if it does it’s not going to work in most cases, like the flu vaccine. Any vaccine will not move the needle.

    Great, Newsome, I know damn good and well JB “toilet boy” Pritzker will love your new goal post and move it for Illinoisans. Same with all blue states. I’m soooooo tired of this bullshit.

    When the spanish flu was eradicated it was recommended that people GET OUT as much as possible for the next pandemic. It was concluded lock down made it worse. Why don’t we learn from history?

  8. @Left Coast Dan May 11, 2020 at 8:54 am

    > Overwhelm. If everyone goes back to business there is nothing they can do to stop it.

    Yeah. Because. You know. If everybody gets together. And agrees to do what’s right. To keep themselves safe. From harm. Actually, alive. Going to have an individual sit. On the couch. To wait to see. Which of the known, identified, located, proudly calling you “enemy”, enemies. Rolls up on who. Individually. To harm. Hopefully to kill (Killing one’s enemies, makes one safer. According to liars.) First. Second. Last. And always.

    It’s a plan, @Left Coast Dan. I’m not sayin’ it’s a good plan. Then again, I calls taters citizens.

  9. Massah jus tellum wot to do, an dey doit.

    Slave noe his place; massah noe his.

    Next will be proskynesis. Newsom, Whitmer, Mills, that dead-looking guy from PA, and a few others will insist on it, and thousands (if not millions) will comply.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The Next Pandemic…trial lawyers
    The trial attorneys are developing new and creative ways to sue employers who may have employees who developed the coronavirus.

    It is new and fertile ground for the lawyers’ limitless avarice.

    Their strategy is to generate lawsuits, preferably class actions, the defense of which is so staggering that those sued will simply have to settle. Of course, a large percentage of the settlement goes to the trial lawyers.

  11. “Anonymous MAY 11, 2020 AT 10:22 AM”

    do as you are told and stay in your house !!!!

    freakin nancy, don’t get your nancy panty’s in a twist, stay home safe on your couch, no one is making you leave it.

    quit deciding what’s right for every one else to do !!!

    that’s nancy’s nephew’s job !

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