Under Pressure from the Ignoratti – IOTW Report

Under Pressure from the Ignoratti

The Diplomad: The insanity continues with the sane people gradually giving up, hoping that the loons will just go away if they get this or that concession. Ain’t gonna happen. The crazies want it all.

The assault on books, films, and statues rages here and abroad, especially in the UK. As I noted before, there is no appeasing this lynch mob. All the magnificent history of the West must get examined though the lens of today’s wokeness.

There is no reasoning with the mob.

Slavery, the mobsters tell us, is a Western, aka “white,” invention; the even more ignorant of the ignoratti claim it as an American invention and that the USA was founded on slavery. The fact that slavery predates America by thousands of years, practiced in biblical and even pre-biblical times, proves irrelevant. The ignoratti, for example, can provide no explanation for how black slaves got to the Americas. Who sold them initially? Who captured these unfortunates? The mob makes no demand for reparations by the Muslim world or the black countries of Africa for the descendants of slaves; Muslims and Africans were slavery’s greatest practitioners and profiteers. Slavery and the slave trade, in fact, still exist in much of the Muslim world.

What response to the mob’s Nazi-like destruction of Western culture and society comes from our leaders? An offering of Dane-geld: let’s tear down “offensive” monuments and put them in a museum. Our timid leaders offer this morsel mob. In a museum? Really? Will the mob accept that and demand no more? Not likely. How long before they go for the museums? What museum director will stand up to the enraged and emboldened mob? I see it now. Defund museums to white supremacy! When will we have to rename our capital? Remove Washington from the dollar bill? And on, and on, and on.

h/t systemically confused

11 Comments on Under Pressure from the Ignoratti

  1. They just spared a statue of Gandhi in Britain. Probably because he believed the Jews should have committed suicide to appease Hitler. But fertainly not because of his non-violent resistance.

    The antifamatters mob is ignorant about a lot of things, but not about the story of anti-semite Gandhi. That’s probably part of their catechism.

  2. The real terror are the people purported on “our” side, wringing their hands, befuddled on what to do.

    Forget the GOP shit that we elected: except for a handful, they’re in on the scam. Right Lindsay Graham, John “Epsteined” Roberts, McConnell, Murkowski, Romney, etc?

    This isn’t letting up and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

    God help us – literally – if biden gets elected. The hell that will be unleashed upon us from the lunatics controling his dementia’d ass will make obama look like George Washington.

    The time is NOW. Get in their faces!!

  3. The reality. Government by laws is over. We are now a government by men.

    The men with the biggest fist are going to rule.

    That’s all you need to know.

  4. “How long before they attempt to topple Christ The Redeemer?”

    I wonder if we will be given permission to attend Easter services next year?

    Or Christmas Eve services this year?

    Maybe our leaders could consult with China about this.

  5. Right now, the most dangerous person in your life might be some dumb young white girl, stupid old white spinster, or angry hollow chested soy boy in your family or circle of friends who are collecting names to pass on to the mob. Eye these types with suspicion and be ready to put the fear of God into them if they start their intimidation and rat fuck behavior in earnest with you or your family. These are the useless shits driving most of this at the grunt level, betraying and ruining family and friends because they think they are part of some goddamn “revolution”.

  6. How hard is it to learn.

    You don’t plead with a toddler throwing a tantrum.

    You don’t reward what you don’t want more of.

    You don’t negotiate with terrorists.

    On principle.



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