Understanding Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit – IOTW Report

Understanding Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit is shorter than the Georgia lawsuit she filed (although I suspect that has do to, in part, with a smaller font and different formatting choices).  Nevertheless, it’s every bit as complex, because while Michigan had the same overarching forms of fraud (fraud revolving around paper ballots and their counting and voting machine fraud), the supporting facts are different.  Enter Doug Ross, who has a real knack for creating uncomplicated infographics that clearly explain complicated materials.

If you haven’t already seen it, I reproduced here Doug’s infographic about the complaint Sidney Powell filed in Georgia.  It’s a lot easier to understand what he did than it is to understand the complaint.  As is the case with all complaints, that document is larded with confusing, and often repetitive, language that plaintiffs must include for procedural reasons. more

10 Comments on Understanding Sidney Powell’s Michigan lawsuit

  1. like I said in another post
    thank God Sidney’s on the case instead of durham or any of the other govt do nothings that wouldn’t hesitate to sellout their grannies
    look at what Sidney’s accomplished in 3 weeks …

  2. The Supreme Court needs to get this case as soon as possible and render a clear verdict that any Tom, Dick or Levi can understand.

    We cannot let elections be rigged. The riggers need to be brought to justice.

  3. “We cannot let elections be rigged. The riggers need to be brought to justice.”

    Are you actually expecting that to happen?

    Don’t hold your breath while waiting.

  4. I waited up and read them the night they came out. There is a hell of a lot to digest in them. This is good.

    My God the Democrats lost their damn minds here. They may have been successful in getting the usual suspects all in line, but the chain of worthless motherfuckers lining up to dry shave the American people consists of the Romney, Ryan, Ben Shapiro types with about 10% of the smarter ones hiding in the shadows afraid to throw in. Speaking of the dumbass brigade, the Bush clan has gone all in with the election thieves and that surprises no one. A more worthless gaggle of shitbags you couldn’t find in a meth house.

  5. The simple rejoinder is that this is all smoke and mirrors to hide Trump’s overwhelming loss. The Dems will just deny that there is any substance at all to the complaints. It will take just one Supreme Court Justice (5-4) to establish that as “fact” and put Joe Biden in the Presidency with all that entails.

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