Underwater noises heard in search for submersible near Titanic as OceanGate was warned of issues – IOTW Report

Underwater noises heard in search for submersible near Titanic as OceanGate was warned of issues

JTN: Noises were detected Wednesday during the massive operation to recover the OceanGate submersible that went missing with five people near the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean, as news emerges that the company received several warnings about potential problems for years about the mission.

The U.S. Coast Guard wrote on Twitter that a Canadian military surveillance “detected underwater noises in the search area” and that a robot was deployed to “explore the origin of the noises,” but nothing was found.

The latest development comes after the New York Times reported Tuesday that OceanGate had heard concerns for years about its Titanic mission. MORE

52 Comments on Underwater noises heard in search for submersible near Titanic as OceanGate was warned of issues

  1. ‘”There hasn’t been an injury in the commercial sub industry in over 35 years,” Rush said in a 2019 interview with Smithsonian magazine. “It’s obscenely safe because they have all these regulations.”‘

    …”It’s unsinkable!” someone said about another ship one time…

  2. One article I saw said it had been derated due to cyclical weaknesses. Every pressurized hull has a finine number of cycles it can go through of pressurization and depressurization because it does compress and expand the material with every cycle. Airlines are particulary worried about this, and consider how long and how far and how many hours a plane has on it less important than the number of pressurization/depressurization cycles it has had. Aloha Airlines had a plane become a convertable mid-flight, sucking a stewardess out, because of stress cracks from the huge number of cycles the airframe had been subject to in its role as an island hopper, which meant it did MANY cycles over short periods of time.

    It is very likely this did fail, and whatever noises they heard was something farting out of the wreckage. Best outcome that can be hoped for at this point is that they were crushed so fast they never knew what hit them.

    Better than being jammed into the Titanic somewhere and slowly asphyxiating in a puddle of your own urine and shit.

    Or doing the same bobbing and baking on the bright Atlantic hundreds of miles from where anyone’s looking because those idiots didn’t include a means of escape, cursing God and your fellow passengers so you deny yourself Heaven with your expiring breath.

    I’ve seen people who died trying to claw their way out of a burning basement right through the concrete. It isn’t pretty. Or successful.

    Best at this point to think they died quick and died well.

    Because die they did…one way or another.

    Hubris killed them. They believed man had conquered the sea and was mightier than the ocean.

    Just like the people who built the ship they came to see did.

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

    Technology changes, but Man does not…

  3. I watch a sailor on “Sacred Cow Shipyards” Ytube channel describe various things about various ships. The one thing he always comes back to is that ocean water is “Liquid Hate”, that the ocean actively hates you and wants you dead.

    I have seen no reason to disbelieve that statement.

  4. “Left Coast Dan
    AT 10:21 AM
    Supposedly a couple of billionaires on the sub…”

    Fat lot of good it does them now…

    “But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?”
    Luke 12:20

    RIP sub folks. May you have had time to cry out to the Lord before the end.

    And may God comfort those you left behind, as they have nothing of you but memory to mourn. May He grant both they and you His eternal mercy.

  5. Jerry Manderin AT 12:21 PM

    “…he sought to move away from the conventional presence of ’50-year-old white guys’ who hailed from military submariner backgrounds.”

    …whelp, he DEFINITELY moved away from 50 year old White guys with military submariner backgrounds.

    At least two and a half miles away.

    …I wonder if he’s thought about that any in the last, oh, 96 hours…

  6. Riddle me this smart guy: How’s that “move away from the conventional presence of ’50-year-old white guys’ who hailed from military submariner backgrounds” working out for ya’?

    I hope his wokie phenokie ass gets sued onto the streets

  7. This would make a great Twilight Zone episode. The passengers find themselves back on the Titanic as passengers just before it goes down and then they find themselves back in the sub reliving their last moments. Over and over again.

    Not even basic safety procedures in place. Whoever mentioned that the sub doesn’t even have an EPIRB (Emergency position-indicating radio beacon emergency locator) hit the nail on the head. Greed, Folly, and Hubris has claimed more lives again.

  8. Anyone who willingly went down in a submarine they know was designed, built and is being operated by a bunch of Karine Jean-Pierres just isn’t getting any sympathy from me.

    Everett, WA, United States, Washington

    So, has anyone heard from Sideshow Bob Fergusson? Has he threatened that hell, fire and brimstone will rai down on OCEANGATE INC yet?

    Yes – OCEANGATE INC is more invested in engineering and safety than buying “protection” either in cash (campaign contributions) or by signing on to supporting the leftist agenda lock, stock and barrel

    No – Is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat political machine

  10. The Lost Titanic Sub Didn’t Even Have a Basic Safety Beacon
    “It’s not helped that the technology that went into building the Titan was experimental, unregulated, risky, and potentially life-threatening.”
    “Indeed, the issues facing the Titan, its crew, and its rescue operation can likely be attributed to the submersible’s design—and potentially deadly lack of safety features.”
    “In a 2022 CBS Sunday Morning feature on OceanGate and its sub, company CEO Stockton Rush—who was identified as one of the crew members aboard the Titan on Tuesday—seemingly bragged about the “off-the-shelf components” that outfit the sub including a handle that he said he got from Camping World.”
    “In 2018, executives at other submersible vehicle companies signed a letter to Rush warning “the current ‘experimental’ approach” that the company was using to build its vessels like the Titan could result in “minor to catastrophic” issues, according to The New York Times.”
    “Legal documents obtained by The New Republic further revealed that an employee of OceanGate had complained about safety issues with regards to the Titan. The employee, David Lochride, was a submersible pilot and director of marine operation for the company, and was “responsible for the safety of all crew and clients,” according to a press release.

    However, after voicing his concerns and refusing to approve crewed test voyages of the Titan, Lochridge was fired from and sued by the company for alleged disclosure of confidential information. “Given the prevalent flaws in the previously tested ⅓ scale model, and the visible flaws in the carbon end samples for the Titan, Lochridge again stressed the potential danger to passengers of the Titan as the submersible reached extreme depths,””


  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dka29FSZac
    Great video

    Sub Brief
    Oceangate Expedition lost communication with its deep diving 5-person submarine on June 18th 2023 while transiting submerged to the Titanic wreck site. 5 people onboard were: Stockton Rush, PH Nargeolet, Shahzada Dawood, Suleman Dawood, and Hamish Harding.
    In this video I describe the incident in detail. I review the construction, design and system onboard the Titan. I catalog my concerns about the design and operation of this submarine. This video is my personal opinion with the limited information available to me at the time of this recording. A follow up video will be published when more facts from the investigation surface.
    Titan is a Cyclops-class manned submersible designed to take five people to depths of 4,000 meters (13,123 feet) for site survey and inspection, research and data collection, film and media production, and deep sea testing of hardware and software. Through the innovative use of modern materials, Titan is lighter in weight and more cost efficient to mobilize than any other deep diving submersible. A combination of ground-breaking engineering and off-the-shelf technology gives Titan a unique advantage over other deep diving subs; the proprietary Real Time Hull Health Monitoring (RTM) systems provides an unparalleled safety feature that assesses the integrity of the hull throughout every dive. The use off-the-shelf components helped to streamline the construction, and makes it simple to operate and replace parts in the field.
    Paired with a patented, integrated launch and recovery platform, Titan is easy to operate in varying sea states using a local appropriately sized ship for the project. In coastal waters this means we do not need a large support ship with a crane or A-frame.
    Sourced from Oceangate.com and Teledyne interviews with the CEO Stockton Rush. This video is intended to provide my opinion on this event with the information available to me at the time of recording.

  12. The noise they heard was the 19 yo going ballistic that he can’t text or receive text. He’s staring at a dead phone realizing that he made one big ass mistake. I wonder if the kid tore the inside up trying to get out, and showing his despair. I was 19 and immature at one time in my life. It was a suicide mission.

  13. “Titan is easy to operate in varying sea states using a local appropriately sized ship for the project.”

    So they can just grab any appropriately sized idle rust bucket in the harbor and use it for a mother ship. No sonar or special communication and safety gear required. This sounds like the kind of cost cutting operation the Federal government would run. Is there any chance Oceangate is a CIA front organization?

    Obviously the billionaires on board didn’t make their billions doing research.

  14. @ joe6pak AT 3:35 PM

    That’s the only source anyone needs to follow to get the facts right there. Follow that guy and you will know all you need or want to know on this mess.

  15. What went wrong? Well, it would be almost infinitely easier to list what went right. At the end of the day just take a look at the fatal FIU bridge collapse, not what the media and especially what the government says is the cause, and there you have it. Mostly narcissistic morons achieving positions of power and being in a position to exercise blind arrogance. Get Woke go croak is what happens when the most basic of sound engineering practices are sacrificed to achieve a political end.

    Given the number of mechanisms of failure built into this monument to political correctness, it would have taken a miracle for it this not to have ended up with a catastrophic failure somewhere. Safety system redundancy is what safety demands, this piece of shit had failure redundancy built into it. If it didn’t fail catastrophically in one system, it was almost guaranteed that it was going to fail catastrophically in another. Statistical probably practically demanded that it fail.

  16. Too darn bad diversity didn’t save him and more than likely killed him. As for the others, I feel for their families, but just like with wearing a mask making yourself sick or getting the death jab, it’s hard for me to feel sorry for people who don’t do their research. Maybe if they had done so they wouldn’t have got inside of it.

  17. What went wrong? You’re reading about the after math. The guy that was calling the shots is what went wrong. There’s articles up and down the internet about him firing quality personal right and left. Quality departments need Autonomy and authority to function. Especially in life critical environments. Firing your quality department because you don’t like what your hearing is not a good thing. Apparently he’s been through a few engineers too.

  18. The end result of this will be the Federal Government stepping in a regulating submersibles. Because of one moron that couldn’t stick to time tested engineering disciplines.

  19. Found in the circular file of unforeseen consciences.
    Those cracks SNS was talking about, they were easily seen upon inspection due to nicotine stains where cigarette smoke leaking would deposit on the skins because of the cold.
    Now, not so much.
    Looking at what has been said, was this submersible designed by a Kenyan?

  20. @ Brad AT 4:35 PM

    The maker of the lost Titan submersible previously complained about strict passenger-vessel regulations, saying the industry was ‘obscenely safe’

    This kind of shit “engineering” kills five people in America every week. The only difference is the other ones are not reported. The only way to have your ticket pulled in Washington State is to kill a big campaign contributor or embarrass a politician.

  21. JDHasty
    We occasionally do ‘Life Critical” air frame parts. I try and avoid them. They are a pain in the ass. Everybody and their brother needs to surveil and sign off on them. If this were a military part/hull. They would require some sort of NDT, non destructive test, every time it was used. It’s really not that large and the test could be performed locally. (On the big boat).
    Guys like this should be as far away from life critical operations as humanly possible.
    I just read on a twitter thread that the mother ship lost track of this thing a couple months ago and they discussed putting a location device on it. I imagine that was shot down by the CEO.

  22. From what i have read a locating device will not work at the depths the sub is in.
    The density or thermocline at those depths does not allow for the penetration of sound.


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