August Unemployment Stays At 3.7% – IOTW Report

August Unemployment Stays At 3.7%

The U.S. Economy Created 130,000 Jobs Created in August, Wage Growth Accelerated, Unemployment 3.7%


Economists had expected the economy to between 150,000 and 180,000 with the median consensus at 163,000, according to Econoday. Unemployment was expected to remain unchanged. Last month’s jobs figure was originally reported at 164,000, now revised down to 159,000, and unemployment was 3.7 percent.

Although the headline number was weaker than expected, wage growth was strong in August. Average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 11 cents to $28.11, or 0.4 percent, following 9-cent gains in both June and July. Over the past 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.2 percent. In August, average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 11 cents to $23.59.

Unemployment among African Americans fell to 5.5 percent, the lowest level on record.

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2 Comments on August Unemployment Stays At 3.7%

  1. My company is relocating its headquarters to Boston from L.A. They are having a lot of trouble finding any qualified applicants. There just aren’t that many employable people who aren’t already working.
    From an immigration standpoint this is when we increase – because the need is there. But for people qualified for the open jobs, not just anyone. And through proper channels.


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