Unemployment Rises To 5 Percent In September; 94,184,000 Out of Labor Force – IOTW Report

Unemployment Rises To 5 Percent In September; 94,184,000 Out of Labor Force

Breitbart: The national unemployment rate in September rose to five percent, as the United States economy added only about 156,000 jobs, according to statistics released by the Labor Department on Friday.

That number is lower than analyst expectations, who predicted a 175,000 boost in jobs.

The labor force participation rate, however, increased to 62.9 percent, up from from 62.8 percent in August.

A total of 94,184,000 Americans are not in the work force.

See a lovely chart here

8 Comments on Unemployment Rises To 5 Percent In September; 94,184,000 Out of Labor Force

  1. I wish someplace would break down the non-participation numbers. What makes them up? How many are students over 18, women that choose to be homemakers, people on disability, people that have given up looking etc etc. The much printed 5% unemployment number might become a whole lot less meaningful.

  2. 94 million out of work from 320 million in the USA is 29%.

    29% Unemployment.

    Now, subtract the people who are too young or too old to work out of the 320 million total.

    Lets say 35 million are over 65 years old.
    Lets say that 20 million are underage to work.

    320-55= 265 million able to work.

    I get 35% unemployment conservatively.

    Obama can take that 5% bullshit and shove it up his ass.

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