Unfortunate Photo # 1218 – IOTW Report

Unfortunate Photo # 1218


21 Comments on Unfortunate Photo # 1218

  1. “but but, I swear that’s my friend’s arm.”
    “uh HUH SUUURE it is”
    “No it is look…see that’s her arm”
    “uh huh. How much did you have to drink?”
    “Well there were the jello shots and the egg nog and uh the punch. I think somebody spiked it it was supposed to N/A but it definitely had some bite. And later we had the champaigne. …..
    “uh huh. Do you even remember that party?”
    “yes ..well no not all of it”
    “uh huh”
    ” ”
    ” ”
    “But I would never…….”
    “Never? Really?”
    ” ”
    “That doesn’t look like an arm to me”

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