Unhinged, Abrasive, Anti-Trump Actor Now Says He May Vote for Trump – IOTW Report

Unhinged, Abrasive, Anti-Trump Actor Now Says He May Vote for Trump

We certainly didn’t have this on our 2023 bingo card! 😂

17 Comments on Unhinged, Abrasive, Anti-Trump Actor Now Says He May Vote for Trump


    Perlman. I still follow him on IG but I never comment. I don’t need to. Everyone that responds to him explains to him just how Fing stupid he is. I’m really shocked he keeps the account going. And as you might expect he’s a big fan of HAMAS.

  2. Been an ABRASIVE CONSERVATIVE 70 years! Voted Barry in ’64, voted Ronny 9 times.
    Voted Don twice and will vote Don in 2024!

    Liberals have said my conservativism is vitriolic for 70 years!
    Aside from my liberal kin; I care not what libs think!


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