Unhypnotizing a Clinton Supporter – IOTW Report

Unhypnotizing a Clinton Supporter

ScottAdams’Blog: Today I teach you how to unhypnotize a Clinton supporter.

Keep in mind that the strongest form of persuasion is fear. Clinton’s team of persuaders has convinced her followers that Trump is dangerous. If you remove that part of her spell, Trump wins. Here’s how.

1. Trump’s Tough Talk Inspires violence: Ask Clinton supporters if they have seen the Project Veritas video of Clinton operatives talking about paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies. The people on the video have been fired, and we haven’t seen violence at Trump rallies since.

2. Temperament: Ask Clinton supporters if they have seen the video of Clinton ranting “Why aren’t I already fifty points ahead?” She looks either inebriated or deranged. Mention that the people who know Trump personally have reported that he is both smart and sane in person. Even his enemies who know him personally don’t claim he has a temperament problem. If he did, is there any chance we wouldn’t have heard about it by now?

3. Trump might insult foreign leaders into a war: Trump and Putin seem to get along fine. Netanyahu said he could work with Trump. Mexico isn’t likely to start a war over trade, or the wall. Trump says North Korea is China’s problem, which is literally the safest thing you could say. And China’s leaders are adults who know Trump says offensive things now and then. China will pursue its own interests, and none of those interests involve going to war over some words. Likewise, other leaders are adults too. They won’t change their foreign policy over some insults.

5. Trump might start a war: Trump owns buildings and property around the world. As a general rule, people who own a lot of real estate don’t start wars because their own assets are at risk. But Clinton is “sponsored” – via the Clinton Foundation and speaking fees  – by defense companies that profit from war. Likewise, Clinton is sponsored by foreign countries whose interests don’t align with American interests. Clinton supported war in Iraq and Libya, and she threatens Russia, just as the money trail suggests she would. Trump talks mostly about having a strong military to avoid war. He gains nothing by war.


h/t Stilton.

9 Comments on Unhypnotizing a Clinton Supporter

  1. The first step would be a thump on the head with a two-by-four, to get their attention.

    Second would require restraints and a gag; liberals tend to flap their arms and scream when confronted by antthing not doctrine.

    Third, you’d have to brace their eyes open.

    But lots of luck getting them out of their ‘safe’ place.

  2. I like to tell them that jury duty lists are made from the registered voter lists. Most (D)s don’t seem to know this, and they are really averse to the idea of volunteering for any duty. all it takes to get off the list, is to not vote in a presidential election.

    I’ve done this to coworkers that wouldn’t shut up about their (D)irtbag leaders, and they really seemed to suddenly lose interest in talking politics & I think they were less likely to vote. I think they hate the idea of volunteering for a DUTY, they want freebies at the expense of tax-paying chumps. I can rub it in further by talking about how they are likely to spend a month sequestered on a jury for 10$ a day while a couple lawyers get rich.

    The (D)irtbag party does everything they can to get more stupid people to vote – The (R)s should counter with ads targeted to (D)umbcluck voters, talking about jury duty.

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