Union: Baltimore City Police in ‘Crisis’ Due to Officer Shortage – IOTW Report

Union: Baltimore City Police in ‘Crisis’ Due to Officer Shortage

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore City’s Police Union is sounding the alarm because they say the department is in crisis due to the fact that it has too few officers.

According to a new report, there are more than 100 fewer Baltimore City PD officers than last year, with the union saying this poses a safety concern as officers are being overworked.

The police union president calls the situation “dire.”

“You get in a crisis mode like we’re in right now with crime out of control and not enough uniformed officers on the street,” said Lt. Gene Ryan, president of the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police. “I would say it’s at a crisis point.”

Police would not comment, but plan to the address the union’s blunt criticism on Friday.  more here

23 Comments on Union: Baltimore City Police in ‘Crisis’ Due to Officer Shortage

  1. No one in their right minds would join the BPD after what their politicians and police administration did to them and the riots. The BPD cops know that if anything goes south they will be blamed and hung out to dry. They have reacted accordingly and are not as aggressive as they need to be to keep crime down; the violent crime stats reflect this. They are down only 4.7% from their authorized staffing (if the article is correct) and that is close to normal attrition due to retirements and injuries. This article is a crock of s**t.

  2. Why would anyone want to join the police force in this current political climate? When criminals are held up as heroes and the police as criminals?

  3. Best Police Series ever, “The Wire.” Political corruption and media corruption at it’s best. The Police are just a thin blue line and have to bare the brunt of it. Just like every other democrat run city in the country. Sheeeutt!

  4. Union, NO. You’re dead wrong. In today’s environment LEO’s need protection, otherwise they are at the mercy of corrupt politicians, prosecutors, and other motherfuckers. Where have you been? Ever hear of Freddy Grey? DA Bitch? Go back to sleep FFS!

  5. @moetom

    A proper and honest government and police infrastructure should be all that’s needed. If you’re relying on a union for individual salvation you’re in big trouble. Don’t forget that unions are a parallel mafia. They protect the undeserving as well as the upright.

    Basically, this whole dogs breakfast is beyond repair.

  6. Subcontract ghetto policing to the gangs that run parts of the city the cops won’t go in. Set Bonus money for annual targets (reduction of murders, assaults, armed robberies etc). Let them take care of their own internal discipline and ensure that business can operate unhindered and that people can walk around safely. You’d probably save money and it’s just a recognition of what the Democrats and the Blacks have created over the decades.

  7. PHenry Without a Police Association to protect them the police are at the mercy of politicians. Call it a UNION if you will but there is strength in unity. The six officers in Baltimore were charged with crimes by an incompetent DA, Marilyn Mosby. She was backed up by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, and even Barak Hussain Obama got his two cents in. Were it not for good lawyers financed in part by the Police Association, and a fair Judge, those officers would hang.
    Mayor Blake awarded the Grey family 6.4 million dollars of Baltimore City taxpayers money even before the trial commenced.
    All Officers were found not guilty of all charges, but their lives must be in turmoil because of a dope addled little skell, Fredie Gray.

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