Union-Busting Nonprofit Is Set Do Battle With Public Sector Unions All Over The West Coast – IOTW Report

Union-Busting Nonprofit Is Set Do Battle With Public Sector Unions All Over The West Coast

DC: The Freedom Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting for public-sector right-to-work laws, is preparing to launch a multi-state campaign to inform public union employees of their right to work free of forced union fees.

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME, a labor case potentially impacting millions of union fee-payers, could come as soon as Monday, June 18. The case reconsiders a 1977 Supreme Court ruling that found public employees can be forced to pay an “agency” fee to a union for negotiating terms of employment for members and non-members alike.

The Janus case argues that compulsory dues violate an individual’s right to free speech because negotiating with the government is a political act negotiating the wages, benefits and working conditions of government employees. The court is expected to overturn the 1977 ruling and end mandatory service fees to unions. READ MORE

5 Comments on Union-Busting Nonprofit Is Set Do Battle With Public Sector Unions All Over The West Coast

  1. the last thing we needed was unionized government employees. What a joke. Reagan should have canned every union member not just the air traffic controllers.


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