Union membership collapses when workers allowed to exit – IOTW Report

Union membership collapses when workers allowed to exit

union protest


A Seattle branch of the Service Employees International Union saw almost half of its members walk away in a single year following a 2014 Supreme Court decision that gave those workers that right for the first time.

The sharp decline underscores why public-sector union leaders opposed the court’s decision in Harris v. Quinn: In many cases, large numbers of their members were not interested in being in a union in the first place.


9 Comments on Union membership collapses when workers allowed to exit

  1. I’d ditch my union if I could. We haven’t had a contract in 4-1/2 years, and can’t strike under the Taylor Law. Why even bother?

    The amount I pay in dues could easily pay for my vision and dental care, which are the only true benefits of my membership.

  2. Reminds me of a short conversation I had with a crazy cat lady:

    Cat Lady: “I love ALL my cats. And ALL my cats love me!”

    Tux: “Really? Leave the front door open for five minutes. See what happens.”

  3. The only true benefits of any public employee union is the extraction of taxpayer money going to the democrat party.

    Benefits such as retirement, healthcare, and salary are all covered by law. The legislature decides all of that. Workplace safety? Nope. Call your state OSHA. If you call the union about workplace safety they’ll just forward the call to OSHA.

    But what the Harris v. Quinn decision does is to prove that 50% of all union membership is forced and the socialist political leanings of the union don’t sit with that 50% either. This is living proof that when given a choice, people run from socialism as fast as they can. Real world example: East Germany (which no longer exists).

  4. I know of one place in WI that the gov’t employees ditched the union after Act10 became law. Haven’t found any data on the ‘net about how many left their union, probably kept quiet by the unions and the MSM.

  5. “… Supreme Court decision that gave those workers that right …”

    Am I the only American on Earth who sees something wrong with this statement?

    The Supreme fucking Court grants “rights?”
    Since fucking When?

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