Unions Demand Special Treatment After Minimum Wage Hike They Backed Goes Into Effect – IOTW Report

Unions Demand Special Treatment After Minimum Wage Hike They Backed Goes Into Effect

15 dollars and union


The Los Angeles city council will vote this week on exempting collectively bargained wages from its new $15 an hour minimum wage law.

That’s correct – if unions get their way, only unionized employers will be able pay their employees less than $15 an hour.



15 Comments on Unions Demand Special Treatment After Minimum Wage Hike They Backed Goes Into Effect

  1. Let me get this right, it’s perfectly OK for unions to pay their employees less than $15 an hr. but private employers have to willingly and by coercion pay their employees $15 an hr. Liberals thy name is hypocrite. This makes absolutely no bloody sense, welcome to the Twilight Zone and Bizarro World.

  2. I work outside of LA and am benefiting from the stampede of businesses fleeing for cheaper rent, less regulation, less traffic, and now cheaper labor.
    As to the unions, they’re thugs who only protect the lazy, the dishonest, the very people we should get rid of but can’t. I could tell you stories…

  3. I am friends with a LARGE union head. These guys think nothing of driving hot cars and buying ten $25,000 a head “fund raising” dinners.
    I actually like this guy, but cannot condone the bullshit unions peddle. I think that unions should be prohibited by law. At one time, they were useful. Now, they are just fat cat commies.

  4. So now unions are in place to work with government to make sure that non-union shops have to pay more than union shops, thereby making non-union shops non-competitive with union shops who will pay their workers less…

    “Workers of the world… Fuck you.”


    The Communist Motherfuckers Who Run the Unions

  5. Funny…you would almost think this was their plan all along. Get the minimum wage law passed, then exempt themselves so they can easily get into more businesses, thus expanding their power base.

    Yeah – you would almost think that, wouldn’t you…?

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