Uniparty Loves CCP – IOTW Report

Uniparty Loves CCP

I just exposed decade-long collusion between the RNC & the Chinese Communist Party– Natalie Winters.

10 Comments on Uniparty Loves CCP

  1. Is that a surprise? It shouldn’t be. That’s the very definition of a Globalist. They’re more worried about China’s economy than ours. Which means they could give a shit less about American workers and American families. And the reason is that’s where their donors make their money. Interacting with the Chicom economy.

  2. Doesn’t surprise me one bit, but having the evidence – proof that they’re not batting for us at all – breaks my heart and ticks me off.

    May the Lord Almighty help Trump truly win this election, and give us the guts to help Trump make America truly great again.

  3. GHWB made this clear – TO THOSE PAYING ATTENTION – when he , by his deeds and actions, strongly supported Deng in ‘Teneman Square massacre! 35years ago.

    By far THE DUMBIST VOTE I EVER CAST WS FOR NEOCOMMIE GHWB! I will regret it as long as I live! Almost as DEGENERATE AS HIS SONS!

  4. Nixon/Kissassinger started it in 1972, over 50 years ago.

    They didn’t open up China for the benefit of the American people. American workers and middile income folks are paying the price. All we got was unemploymennt and trashy products from the PRC

    If Nixon/Kissassinger had read history, they may have gotten some inkling about what could eventually occur. In the 1850’s, the US sent a fleet to Japan to forcibly open it up to western trade. Fifty years later after Japan had developed it’s manufacturing and created a westernized military, it started attacking its neighbors Russia, China, and then us in 1941.

    Nixon was a RINO before RINO was cool.

  5. ol ex-jarhead
    I resonate with your regret over trusting and then voting for GHWB, and trusting his entire entourage of Condi, Rummie, Cheney, all those MFs. I retired from teaching Alg in 2011, after my hubs went home in 2010. the iPad became my best friend and boy did I do my due diligence. Too late for all those votes.
    l held my nose and voted against Dems like Kerry. and then God…
    So I pray a lot for Christ to call his children heavenward.
    It’s coming, Christians, many of you read Scripture so you know.
    Matthew 24:30-31
    1 Corinthians 15:51-53
    1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
    Revelation 3:10
    read and be encouraged… that’s why the Lord put all this there so we won’t have fear.


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