United Airlines is becoming the ‘Bud Light’ of air travel – IOTW Report

United Airlines is becoming the ‘Bud Light’ of air travel

You may have heard by now, but the CEO of United Airlines enjoys cross-dressing as a woman. Revolver covered this disturbing story.

25 Comments on United Airlines is becoming the ‘Bud Light’ of air travel

  1. You must look a little deeper than UNited Airlines and their ghey CEO , they are OWNED by the BLACKROCK/VANGUARD/STATE STREET crowd… JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW EXACTLY who is bringing this shit to OUR doorstep… when the time arises. Which may be a lot sooner than we all may think…

    PSA: Should communications (cell, interwebs etc…) go down, all patriots to meet on EVERY SATURDAYS 9AM at local library.

  2. Walking thru the airport I could not help noticing the horrible condition of seats in a United Airlines waiting area. By far the worst in the whole airport. Is United so broke they can’t even maintain waiting area seats? Does United hire people who don’t notice or don’t care? Where else in their company do they let things slide? Aircraft Maintenance maybe?

  3. United’s theme music used to be Rhapsody In Blue now it should be Rhapsody In Drag. This a terrible way to drag down an airline by hiring a cross dressing freak as its CEO. Are there any non-freaks in charge of anything anymore? Or have we so forgotten God that this is how he is punishing us by turning loose the freaks.

  4. I’m more worried about the vaxxed pilots vapor-locking in the cockpit…….and that goes for every airline.

    It’s happening more than anyone knows. The airlines are hiding it all.

  5. The insidious satanic tentacles of ESG and DEI from the top 3 investment companies is the most persuasive reason for this corporate kowtowing.

    Airlines are especially susceptible to this influence due to their continual weak capitalization.

    Lucifer in charge of your safety in the air is a daunting factor but sadly a typical outcome in the end of days that are approaching…

  6. Tim – It used to be when the male stew put his hair up in a man-bun you knew someone was in for a serious blow job. Now when the Tranny prances down the isle… all bets are off!!

  7. @ geoff the aardvark Wednesday, 17 January 2024, 14:05 at 2:05 pm,
    God certainly is NOT punishing believers. We have power-mad tyrants for that! Just remember, God wins…


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