United Airlines scrambles to alert HUNDREDS of passengers who came in contract with Ebola patient as it is revealed he entered U.S. at Washington Dulles before flying to Dallas – IOTW Report

United Airlines scrambles to alert HUNDREDS of passengers who came in contract with Ebola patient as it is revealed he entered U.S. at Washington Dulles before flying to Dallas

Daily Mail

  • Thomas Eric Duncan flew from Liberia to Brussels, then boarded United Airlines Flight 951 to Washington Dulles International Airport
  • From Dulles, he flew on United Flight 822 to Dallas/Fort Worth
  • U.S. officials had refused to release Duncan’s flight details, but United Airlines chose to make his itinerary public  
  • Health officials claim there is no risk to Duncan’s fellow passengers 

United Airlines is scrambling to alert the hundreds of passengers who shared twi planes with the first Ebola patient on U.S. soil.

Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian national, arrived in the U.S. at Washington Dulles International Airport on United Flight 951 on September 20, the airline revealed today. 

He then boarded United Flight 822 to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. 

U.S. officials had previously refused to provide details of his itinerary, claiming none of his fellow passengers were at risk because he was not showing symptoms at that time. 

United Airlines released the details of Duncan’s journey on Wednesday night. He left September 19 from Monrovia, Liberia, and flew to Brussels. From Brussels, he caught a United Airlines flight to the U.S. 

The revelation that Duncan entered the United States on one side of the nation then boarded a domestic flight to Texas shows just how quickly the disease can spread if infected patients are not stopped at the border. 



15 Comments on United Airlines scrambles to alert HUNDREDS of passengers who came in contract with Ebola patient as it is revealed he entered U.S. at Washington Dulles before flying to Dallas

  1. The transmission of the Ebola virus occurs through contact with bodily fluids — such as blood, sweat and feces — from infected humans or animals.

    The Gay Lesbian Transgender Beastiality people will be blaming the CIA for this if one of their fudge packers pukes on his Waterford crystal.

  2. Not surprising. If United Airlines fails to warn about its passengers potentially being exposed to a communicable and often fatal disease, UAL could be sued for gazillions of dollars – and suppressing such information would only make things worse. But if a government official suppresses this information, the worst that could happen is being forced to look silly and stupid by Congressman Gowdy, followed by a nice retirement package and a cushy, yet low profile government job somewhere.

  3. I don’t care what they say about the passengers on those planes not being at risk. If that ebola infected passenger used the bathroom on the plane, and you know how disgusting those bathrooms get on long flights and I have doubts about his cleanliness standards being up to par, I think it is quite possible someone else on those flights
    could get infected.

  4. Did he sweat on the seat? The head rest?
    Did he have a snack and wipe his mouth?
    Did he drink coffee, soda?

    Biden was right,
    a shotgun blast to the face of every lying gubermint scumbag is what’s called for here.

  5. Thanks to UA for being honest about this. Privacy concerns are secondary in this case. The arrogance of our politicians (note, I didn’t say ‘leaders’) in the face of this deadly virus is appalling!

    Read The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, and you’ll get a much more graphic picture of death by Ebola.

  6. The virus doesn’t give a sh!t that you have the press, medical community, and lo info’s on your side. Fight Ebola by the most effective means available – Quarantine patients, no inbound passengers who have visited affected areas, etc… It kills by causing hemorrhaging on a cellular level. Your internal organs liquefy and you bleed from your eyes and rectum. Vomiting huge amounts of infected blood, the final stages are when you ‘crash, and bleed out’.
    In short, Do Not Get Ebola. It’s a slate wiper.

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