United employees granted vax exemptions put on unpaid leave, can’t work elsewhere, activists claim – IOTW Report

United employees granted vax exemptions put on unpaid leave, can’t work elsewhere, activists claim

United’s mandate “reflects an apathy, if not antipathy, for many of its employees’ concerns and a dearth of toleration for those expressing diversity of thought,” District Court Judge Mark Pittman wrote in his decision.

Just The News: United Airlines employees who have been granted exemptions to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate are allegedly being placed on indefinite unpaid leave, unable to seek employment elsewhere within the industry, access their 401(k) retirement savings, or file for unemployment. 

United Airlines Capt. Sherry Walker, who has been placed on indefinite unpaid leave, told Just the News that United employees seeking reasonable accommodation regarding the company’s vaccine mandate for religious or medical reasons are being placed on indefinite unpaid leave and cannot leave their job for another airline because of the noncompete clause in their contracts. 

Walker is cofounder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF), which represents 4,000 airline employees, about half of whom are with United.

If United employees seek outside employment in a different industry, they must ask the airline if they can apply elsewhere, said Walker. Even if they’re allowed to apply for another job and are hired, United can ask previous employees to return within the first 14 days.  more

10 Comments on United employees granted vax exemptions put on unpaid leave, can’t work elsewhere, activists claim

  1. I’d like to say I’ll never fly with United again, but I’m not going to fly PERIOD until the mask mandates are lifted from airports and inside the airplane itself. A mask hasn’t touched my face yet and it isn’t going to just so I can go on vacation. Staycations are good enough for me.

  2. The Santa “Claus” works in mysterious ways. United still stands! In 3 months will have new trannys/woke personal to serve all you focks like the POS you deserve all you can be, Happy New Year, keep flying United.


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