United Airlines pilots retrained after plane nose-dived just 775 feet above Pacific Ocean, airline says – IOTW Report

United Airlines pilots retrained after plane nose-dived just 775 feet above Pacific Ocean, airline says


The United Airlines pilots who were in the cockpit when their plane nosedived after taking off in Hawaii have been retrained, officials said — as aviation experts speculate they may have forgotten to program the aircraft’s autopilot.

The Boeing 777 dramatically plunged for about 10 seconds shortly after it took off from Maui International Airport bound for San Francisco on Dec. 18 and came within 775 feet of crashing into the Pacific Ocean.

“United then closely coordinated with the FAA and ALPA (Air Line Pilots Association) on an investigation that ultimately resulted in the pilots receiving additional training. Safety remains our highest priority,” United rep Josh Freed told The Post.

The plane had reached an altitude of about 2,200 feet before it plummeted 1,400 feet about a minute into the flight — reaching a descent rate of almost 8,600 feet per minute before the pilots regained control.

Some flight experts have suggested that the terrifying plunge could have been caused by the pilots forgetting to program the plane’s autopilot feature. more

28 Comments on United Airlines pilots retrained after plane nose-dived just 775 feet above Pacific Ocean, airline says

  1. “Safety remains our highest priority.”
    Does it though??? Is it above ‘equity’ for all races and genders, and without fat-shaming? Because it would be a good thing if it actually were. Like it used to be.

  2. …and airlines want to go to one-man cockpits, doubling the workload on one dude and with NO ONE to cross-check or help if the one dude becomes incapacitated with indecision or fear…

    ht tps://fortune.com/2022/11/21/airlines-pushing-one-pilot-in-cockpit-passenger-jets-instead-of-two/

  3. …and leave us not forget that UAL is pioneering illegal race-based hiring and promotion practices for that soon-to-be-one pilot, and under a LOT of pressure to get Black Females in the cockpit without regard for anything else…

    ht tps://iotwreport.com/united-airlines-putting-quotas-above-competence-in-the-cockpit/

  4. Where to start undermining out traditions and culture. Well the first thing that had to go was the media. Simply can not have any semblance of true journalism. It took a while but…DONE!

    Than completely destroy the decades of trust built up in institutions like the FBI and the military. Hire fags and lesbians to run huge departments in government with no experience. Hmmm, what else could we fuck?

    How about destroying education? From K-12 all the way up through world class colleges like Harvard, Sanford and MIT…gone. Just can not have independent thinking. How can calculus be racist? Why it’s white supremacy…you’re racist for even asking.

    Of course we can’t have the rubes thinking they could actually, yaknow, change this shit in an election! Let’s steal one so blatantly that if we get away with it, THE COAST IS CLEAR…FOREVER!

    What else? Lets put the torch to the medical profession! Get doctors to ignore a 100 years of questioning & clinical trials to promote a untested technology. Have everything point to the worst crime in history and still get millions to line up for the next jab! GENIUS!!

    There must be something else to ruin. How about elevating diversity in the aviation industry? Hire pilots based on skin color! Winner winner, chicken dinner.

    The rot is so pervasive and has been working our way through so long that everything is riddled with it. Hemingway’s line about going bankrupt comes to mind…slowly for a while and then all at once or something to that effect.

  5. …AAAAND, that those single-pilot Affirmative Action hires are likely going to have a heart attack trying to manage the sudden crisis that they caused (if not have a heart attack BEFORE),because the post-Jab airline world that forced poison on ALL its pilots has DROPPED its cardivascular health requirements so things like First Degree AV Blocks are OK even if they CAN indicate or even lead to sudden death…

    ht tps://iotwreport.com/faa-quietly-indicates-that-us-pilots-hearts-are-damaged-after-taking-vaccines/

    …have a nice flight…

  6. …but all of this makes me think of a comedy routine I heard long ago, after a similar incident over the ocean. I do not remember the comedian’s name, but the routine went something like this…

    “I heard about this plane that plummeted from 30,000 feet due to a control problem and fell for seven minutes before the pilots regained control and safely landed the plane. And as someone who flies all the time, I have to say that this is my BIGGEST fear.

    Because if I really, REALLY think I’m going to die in the next seven minutes…SOMEONE’S getting FUCKED!

    …and then you DON’T crash?

    *turns on the stage like he’s addressing someone on the seat beside him* ‘Uhhh, sorry ma’am. Say hello to your grandkids for me when we land'”

  7. Freind of mine who used to fly a lot refers to what passengers do in these situations as “going into bitch mode”. He says that tough guys, even guys like himself who was not a small man or a cowardly man, often make involuntary fearful sounds and gestures when something suddenly goes wrong with the plane they are in and have no control over or idea what’s happening. HE was mostly afraid of making cleary scared sounds like that and then the plane NOT crashing, and then getting crap from his travelling companions about it for the whole rest of their trip.

    …Guys never stop being cruel or juvenile, it seems.

  8. …that’s OK. The other day in Austin, ATC tried to land a cargo plane on top of a departing passenger plane. The ONLY thing that prevented another Tenerife was that the cargo plane pilot was paying attention.

    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvUOHa8n7aQ

  9. It’s now a big concern among pilots and their health after covid. Google: Dr. Thomas Levy: Addressing Spike-Protein Induced Heart Damage in Pilots

    They’re Retrained? They weren’t trained on procedures programming the auto pilot and almost crashing the plane?

  10. …but there is an increasing reliance on technology to fly the plane instead of the pilots, and this technology bias sometimes causes the pilots to trust too much and forget to be PILOTS.

    This isn’t new.

    On December 29th, 1972, a Lockheed L-1011 performing Eastern Airlines flight 401 suffered a controlled flight into terrain because of pilot error.

    This plane was lined up to land in Miami and instead crashed into the Everglades and killed 101 people and suffered complete hull loss because ALL of the FOUR pilots on board were busy trying to decide if a single defective landing gear indication lamp was, in fact, defective, and one of them had bumped the control column enough to disengage the autopilot they THOUGHT was flying the plane, and NO ONE looked out the windshield or at the instruments until they were in the tree tops.

    ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyuTyU_pK8s

    …this is happeing in ships and in Teslas now too, that too much trust is placed in tiny tin gods that are made by other men with all the flaws men have and all the problems high tech components have.

    Remember that any program that’s controlling any device is a slave to it’s inputs and outputs, and those can fail.

    Remember too that it was programmed by a human and will have whatever errors that human programmed into it.

    And also that signals can be intentionally distorted or denied, but that is a different subject for another day…

  11. Goldenfoxx FEBRUARY 15, 2023 AT 9:44 AM
    “@SNS: …Guys never stop being cruel or juvenile, it seems.

    That put a smile on my face because you are so right! As I start my day, the spurs go on, because evil awaits.”

    ,..I’m glad I could make you smile for a moment because ultimately all we’re doing here is amusing each other, nothing more. But it’s nice to talk to like minded people as the Titanic goes down to the strains of “Autumn”…

    …but I do not deny the truth of what I said even for myself. I have a juvenile mean streak too. I was on a plane with an engineer going to Nawlins who I knew was afraid to fly anyway, so just to be a jerk, having noted that it was an MD-80 we were getting on, I pulled up info on the crash of an Air Alaska MD-80 from NTSB complete with pictures and stats and descriptions and great material detail that an engineer like himself could really appreciate, loading it on my tablet pre-flight so we could enjoy it all the way there even without paying for the plane’s WiFi.

    I think they had to replace his arm rests at the end of that flight because of the claw marks in it. Good thing I had an aisle seat…

  12. Ron White has a bit about being in a twin engine plane that looses an engine. When asked how far they can fly with a single engine, he reply’s, “Should make it all the way……, to the scene of the crash”.
    “Probably beat EMS there by 20 minutes.”

  13. Don’t worry, even if the automation does crash the plane they will still blame it on the pilot — unless it is a diversity hire.

    Remember when that female aircraft carrier pilot crashed and died when tryin to land on a carrier. 1) She had I think it was three major violations in training whereas a male pilot would have wash out with one minor one: 2) No pilot who had any business being there would have been in that position; 3) In an effort to show that it could have happened to anybody, the Navy put highly qualified pilots in simulators to see if they could have gotten out of it. None of them did, but there was an easy way to get out of it but the pilots were specifically ordered not to do it.

  14. How many problems are all industries having due to virtue hires?
    Some will literally endanger lives. Like this.
    You should see the crap left wing loon stuff the company Mr. Beachmom is now working for. A Canadian company bought the division he works for.
    If you want to see I have the link to the site informing employees

  15. The most taxing part of my job as a chemical plant process operator was to babysit the minority hires so they wouldn’t blow the plant up. I prevented them from doing some insanely stupid things.


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