Universal Pictures Pulls Ads For Upcoming Violent Fantasy of Liberal Elites Stalking Deplorables For Sport – IOTW Report

Universal Pictures Pulls Ads For Upcoming Violent Fantasy of Liberal Elites Stalking Deplorables For Sport

In the wake of a trio of deadly massacres, the studio is evaluating its strategy for the R-rated Blumhouse satire in which elites stalk “deplorables.”

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: It seems our woke moral betters in Hollywood, you know the ones, the grossly hypocritical movie makers and environmental frauds who shell out movie after movie of gratuitous violence and all the while preaching gun control, have according to the Hollywood Reporter, untimely chosen to combine their smug Hollywood hypocrisy with their sadistic daydreams brought on by their Trump Derangement Syndrome into a feature film for the masses, called“The Hunt.” Untimely indeed!

“Did anyone see what our ratfucker-in-chief just did?” one character asks early in the screenplay for The Hunt, a Universal Studio Picture set to open Sept. 27. Another responds: “At least The Hunt’s coming up. Nothing better than going out to the Manor and slaughtering a dozen deplorables.”

The violent, R-rated film from producer Jason Blum’s Blumhouse follows a dozen MAGA types who wake up in a clearing and realize they are being stalked for sport by elite liberals. It features guns blazing along with other ultra-violent killings as the elites pick off their prey. more

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

26 Comments on Universal Pictures Pulls Ads For Upcoming Violent Fantasy of Liberal Elites Stalking Deplorables For Sport

  1. Sounds like a demented take off of a similar story about A Hunt. Don’t remember all the details (who wrote it, title, etc), but I do remember the basic plot. A rich, bored African hunter, who has hunted every other big game on the planet, decides to go after the Ultimate Big Game, the only one that can hunt back, Man.
    Bored Hunter invites a (friend?) to his property, and sets up the rules, he has the gun, the other person doesn’t, head start, ready, set, go.
    The closing scene of the story is the Hunted, leaning back in the overstuffed chair, in the front room, with a roaring fire in the fireplace.

    AND……..if I remember correctly, there was a watered down cheesy made-for-TV movie of this in the 70s or 80s.

    SO this shows me two things:
    1) HollyWeird STILL doesn’t have an original thought or idea.
    2) The TDS is getting stronger, and I ain’t supporting it. No money spent to see this “Deplorable” flick.

  2. Demented sick freaks who really want to make snuff films to stir up the demonrat base,

    Hollyweird;s own taqiyya: A high-level insider says top executives want to stand by Blum, one of the studio’s most prolific and successful producers, as well as filmmaker Craig Zobel, and see the project as a satire addressing an issue of great social importance.”

  3. Toxic, it’s originally a story line plot from an old time radio program from the 40’s or 50’s on either Escape or Suspense from CBS starring William Conrad called The Hunt. I believe that I’ve heard it before on XM’s old time radio channel 148. And there is no way in hell I will ever watch this movie ever. I hope it bombs miserably at the box office. And hollyweird wonders why we hate their guts when they produce bottom feeding shit like this.

  4. Last night TCM surprised me with an old B&W movie called Cabin In The Sky, an old all black musical from the 40’s with Eddie “Rochester” Anderson and Lena Horne. I had never seen this movie before but it was good and all about Little Joe “Rochesters’ character who was a gambler shot and supposedly killed by some other black guys for welching on his bets and the struggle between good and evil with God and the devil fighting for his soul and his faithful wife petunia who prays for him. I won’t spoil the plot but it was great movie with lots of good singing, dancing and jazz including from Duke Ellington and a devil played by Louis Armstrong. I love the old movies on TCM back when Hollywood could make good movies.

  5. The Left always acts from evil impulses and defend their actions by saying we Conservatives are fat worse. Classic projection.

    This sick, twisted evil film is just more of Leftist Projection

  6. Toxix, Geoff & Obamaplease,

    It starts with The Most Dangerous Game and there was even a movie called The Most D.G. The last take off I’m aware of is “Surviving the Game” 95 staring Ice T.

    In all the incarnations of the plot the hunter is evil, the hunted turns the table on the hunter and wins.

    But the libtard take on the plot is the liberal rich elite are justified in kidnapping and murdering MAGA hat wearers? Or are they going to have a racist MAGA hat turn the table on the rich libtard?

    Unbelievable that such a movie would be made. Could you imagine the screams of outrage if a movie was made were the Rush Limbaughs of the world hunted libtards for sport and the moral of the story was “and this is how you make a better world”.

    When does the war start? The sooner it does the sooner it’s over.

  7. Yes, you are right it was called The Most Dangerous Game. And if you really want to scare the snot out of yourself listen to or read Leningen Vs. The Ants which is personally what should happen to the producers of this crap movie. Let the million of Army ants get them and eat them until their carcasses are nothing but bones stripped clean by these tiny little bugs. Or strap them to an anthill buck naked and let the little critters do their work.

  8. More like the other way around…
    Ever see ” Hard Target” with Jean Claude Van Dam ???
    I might have to go into level 3 Mode and
    go all RAMBO 5 ! on their azz.

  9. @ toxic ~ woodman – you’re thinking of the movie “Surviving The Game” 1994. Starring Ice-T, Rutger Hauer, and Gary Busey. It is loosely based on the short story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell.

  10. Or Zero Hour by Ray Bradbury which scared the snot out of my daughter about the invasion by Martians who only the kids playing the game of Invasion can see until the final blood curdling scream from the mom as the Martian ray guns dissolve the upstairs door that the parents are hiding behind. the makers of this film deserve such a fate.

  11. I looked it up on Duck Duck Go, the first movie version was an RKO radio pictures version from 1932 with Joel McCrea as the hunter and the first radio version was from Sept. 1943 on CBS’s Suspense radio program with Orson Wells and Keenan Wynn. Evidently it was done at least 4 times on radio and made into numerous movies and variations since then.

  12. It is part of a continuing push toward “violence
    against people you hate is good” acclimation.
    They hope to have a new generation Red Guard
    and concentration camp bulls just as Mao created
    to kill off all possible opposition.
    Trying to get this to work while the hoped for
    victims who happen to have most of the guns
    are watching the show kinda doesn’t work too well.

  13. Since libs probably don’t read much, “The Most Dangerous Game” by Lord Dunsaney, had a guy on his island that had become bored with dangerous game and had come up with the scheme of hunting the odd shipwrecked sailor who washed up. What he didn’t count on was running into a better hunter.
    “Sometimes, senor, the bull, he wins.”


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