WHO: Universal Vax Policy May Create Super Bug – IOTW Report

WHO: Universal Vax Policy May Create Super Bug

…This should be reserved for those who need it most. It should not be universally deployed because it’s going to generate mutants (viruses) that are going to sweep the world…

STARTS AT 5:00 minute mark.

Episode 1,233 – Use of Force: Vaccine Passports… with Dr. Robert Malone and Peter Navarro on Bannon’s War Room.

The DNCCP Coronavirus / iotwreport.com MJA

17 Comments on WHO: Universal Vax Policy May Create Super Bug

  1. Stolen from Twitter:

    Dr. Brad Campbell, DC, DABCI
    Sep 2
    If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, incentivized, lied to, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, paid, punished, criminalized,
    and all of this is necessary to gain your compliance, you can be sure that thing is NOT in your best interest.

  2. Not idiots, not incompetent buffoons, most assuredly con-men.
    We are experiencing pure, unadulterated Satanism: chaos and pandemonium (in the original sense).

    Until enough of us wake to our peril, we will continue to suffer from their oppressions, lies, dissimulations, extortions, tortures, mis-directions, and, ultimately, murders – genocide on a 21st Century scale – greater than any other – more thorough than any prior.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Maybe her hospital has bad doctors. Did you think of that?
    Do you think your situation in your area, is the same everywhere? It’s not. Stop being a medical rapist.
    You didn’t even BOTHER to encourage people to get the jab. No, you came on here like a retard screaming and accusing people of wanted to kill others
    because they’re unvaxxed. As if the vaxxed aren’t spreading it.(Which we know they are) And mumbling about lizard people and viagra. That’s insane. No one
    takes you seriously. You blew it. Again. Stop being a medical rapist. It’s gross.

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