Universities are particularly cowardly places. And it has been so for many decades. – IOTW Report

Universities are particularly cowardly places. And it has been so for many decades.

If any professors want to do something truly effective, they should form a circle around a hall in which a conservative is scheduled to speak, with each of them holding up a sign identifying themselves as a professor: “I am (name), professor of (department).”


Stream: Now that student mobs at universities around America (and elsewhere in the West) have silenced conservative speaker after conservative speaker, it has dawned on a small number of left-wing professors that the public is beginning to have contempt for the universities. As a result, a handful of academics at a handful of universities have signed statements on behalf of allowing “diverse” views to be heard at the university.

These statements are worthless.  Continued

16 Comments on Universities are particularly cowardly places. And it has been so for many decades.

  1. I am a professor with a conservative political stance. But I do not have a Death Wish! Find someone else to die or be fired for your opinions. Or go do it yourself!

  2. Very good challenge.

    But I cannot relate to student demonstrations, I was in college in the 70’s. I attended a university that was focused on science, engineering, math, and so on, there was also business administration, a favorite major for our hockey team. Nobody demonstrated, nobody. We were always in class, doing our homework, studying for tests and exams, or down at the bar, or building snow sculptures. Looking toward, and competing for good jobs.

    TMI? I know my university never added snowflake studies. However, we did get 20 feet of snow a year up there.

    All universities have not been ruined. If you want to send your kids to my school send BFH an email.

  3. geeknerd

    Come on dude. Everyone needs to make a living. Think of it this way PP is paying him money for us to plot against them. I’m not sure you can pick and choose advertises.

  4. The Feds control the University funding.

    Gently remind the tax-supported administrators that if they cannot guarantee basic 1A freedoms on public grounds, they can be replaced with new managers that can.

    Ditto faculty and tenure. We’re making a MAGA omelette. Gonna require breaking some eggs.

  5. From Bad_Brad – “Come on dude. Everyone needs to make a living. Think of it this way PP is paying him money for us to plot against them.”
    Absolutely – bleed the beast. Suck whatever money, support, or even time from the pagans. Every dollar spent on a conservative site should be looked at as a dollar which won’t be spent aborting babies.
    Viva la BFH!!!

  6. OT…

    Will President Trump veto a budget without Wall funding? What if the Gov’t shut down and nobody noticed? No Park Service implants beating Vets at our Memorials. No Administration officials weeping and gnashing on TV. Only Maxine.

  7. Southern Reality
    Can you think of a place for PP to advertise that would yield worse results. LOL. All I get on my screen are Russian Brides for sale. I asked the wife if I could get one for Christmas. No response.

  8. Took my kid to where my wife and I went to school, they have a good aviation program, it was also known as a party school.

    Not anymore!

    Kids today are lame I guess. 5pm on a friday, one bar had just opened, empty! Had a drink and headed back, that’s when I saw the ugliest, scowling freshman girl ever. Complete with a pussy hat and a rape whistle! I even got a picture because I happened to be snapping pics to send to other alumni friends of deadsville friday afternoon club!

  9. There was one administrator that spoke right up and pushed back a couple days ago – it was when a bunch of protestors demanded free tuition for blacks, as reparations.

    I kind of like the idea of universities “giving back” – they should be defunded and then sued by all the ex-student baristas who are deep in debt.

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