Universities revoke journalism awards given to Charlie Rose – IOTW Report

Universities revoke journalism awards given to Charlie Rose

Orlando Sentinel: Charlie Rose, who was fired this week by CBS News and whose program was canceled by PBS in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations from multiple women, had accolades from two universities rescinded Friday.

Panels at both Arizona State University and the University of Kansas met this week and coincidentally came to the same decision on the same day.

Arizona’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication gave Rose an award for journalism excellence in 2015. But the actions reported about Rose were too “egregious” to ignore, according to Dean Christopher Callahan.

“The actions victimized young women much like those who make up the overwhelming majority of Cronkite students — young women who deserve to enter workplaces that reward them for their hard work, intelligence and creativity and where they do not have to fear for their safety or dignity,” Callahan said in a statement.

Callahan said the action was mostly symbolic. But he hoped it would send a message that sexual misconduct would not be tolerated. The award has never been revoked since it was created in 1984. Past recipients include Bob Woodward, Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour.

The William Allen White Foundation, which supports journalism education at the University of Kansas, presented Rose an award last spring. The National Citation award has been bestowed on a journalist annually since 1950. Other recipients include Bob Woodward and Gwen Ifill.

After the allegations against Rose surfaced, the foundation’s board of trustees voted to revoke the honor. In a news release, officials said Rose “does not exemplify the ideals of this award.”

Eight women who worked for or wanted to work for Rose told the Washington Post Monday that the veteran newsman groped them, openly walked around nude or said sexually inappropriate things on the job.  read more

14 Comments on Universities revoke journalism awards given to Charlie Rose

  1. What was the Award for, I mean what Specifically did Rose do ?
    He Just Sits in a chair and looks -nods – looks, smiles and stares with Confused eyes as his guest’s Ramble on !

  2. Uh, “The Walter Cronkite Award”. Sound just like “The Francis Scott Key Key.” Do these guys sit around making up these Atta Boys just so they can hold a banquet and give out Lucite trophies?

    Past recipients — all Lefties.

  3. “young women who deserve to enter workplaces that reward them for their hard work, intelligence and creativity and where they do not have to fear for their safety or dignity,” Callahan said in a statement.”

    News People aren’t supposed to be creative. That’s the real problem.


    Give carrots to water-carrying lefties. Their introduction will include the awards they have won, giving them credibility to spread leftism.

    You fall down a flight of stairs in Hollywood, and by the time you reach the bottom, U.P.S. is at the door giving you your “Best-falling-down-a-flight-of-stairs-by-a-male” category.

  5. How quickly The Left turns on its own.
    Just like the Soviet Purges that Orwell reprised in 1984.

    I’m no fan of Rose. And the Left destroys everything AND EVERYONE it touches.

    Now I’m ready for new unprovable no-witness accusations to destroy new Leftist villains.
    For starters:
    Shep Smith
    Lawrence O’Donnell
    “Tingles” Matthews
    Anderson Cooper
    Juan Williams
    His brother, Brian Williams
    Steven “Down-low” Colbert

    Feel free to add to this list.

    IOTW Contest time?

  6. And to think that only a few weeks ago, THIS wuz one of the things yer college held up as a high standard! He’s only been at this for decades dummies!! You dumbed-down, empty-headed fools in college just might want to ask yerself:
    Whut else DON’T our esteemed Perfessers know!!
    Whut else are the so-called “Investigative News Teams” not telling us!!

  7. Ha ha ha!
    The University profs are boffing the same students who are going out into the world with the “instructions” they’ve learned from school!

    How to get a head in “Journ-O-Lism.” They know the game: Show a little leg, let em cop a feel, get off some ass – get that editor job or that anchor position.

    Anybody believe that these 25-30 year olds, who have been “sexually active” since they were 12, are getting bamboozled?

    Fo Reel?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim, you nailed it. The most absurd aspect is modern women “victims” gasping and fainting like virginal Victorian maidens, weeping in their hoop skirts and lace bonnnets.
    “And then… he TOUCHED me…the CAD! Oh father, mother, you were right! This wicked working world is no place for a decent young lady! He was….he was.. (gasp, choke)…NOT A GENTLEMAN!” (Faints onto couch. Serving maids rush to fan her and fetch smelling salts)

    The foul mouthed rode-hard opportunists like Ashley Judd are an insult to the real victims, like Bill Clinton’s, and the little boys molested by homo pedo’s.

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