University Apologizes For Anti-Rape Poster – IOTW Report

University Apologizes For Anti-Rape Poster

MRCtv: The University of Colorado, Denver’s Dean of Students Office sponsored a “satirical” poster using student fees that taught the way to prevent rape is by telling rapists not to rape. Now the school is apologizing to anyone who was offended by its poster.

An image obtained by MRCTV shows the University of Colorado, Denver Office of Student Life, the Community College of Denver, and Metropolitan State University of Denver all endorsed a poster that says “helpful ways to prevent rape” include different ways of telling people not to rape.

rape poster

The poster includes comments such as, “If you try to help someone, do not rape them,” “If you are in an enclosed space with someone, do not rape them,” “If you encounter someone who is asleep or intoxicated, do not rape them,” and “Carry a rape whistle. If you are about to rape someone, blow the whistle until someone comes to stop you”:  MORE

13 Comments on University Apologizes For Anti-Rape Poster

  1. I don’t get it. Why are people upset about that list? To me, it kind of lays out the situations some dudes find as opportunities to rape, and this poster reminds them ‘Don’t do it.’

  2. Isn’t this pretty much Europe’s response to their migrant rape crises, minus the satire? They have posters at public pools and festivals telling dudes not to rape. They are giving women rubber bracelets that say, “Don’t rape me”.

  3. Another way to prevent rape (excluding gun-free zones) is to show the would-be perp the business end of a semi-automatic. Surprising how big the bullet leaving orifice gets when pointed at your toything. and PLEASE use it before letting this rapist perp get too close to knock it from your hand.

  4. Someone please explain this photo. I’ve seen it many times and would really like to know it’s origin.

    My best guess is a Berkeley student who was just called a poopy head by a 90 year old tea party conservative.

  5. @ dohfugwimee

    and yet… it is already illegal to rape. If the law is followed…

    Shall we make a poster of the law and plaster it everywhere like wallpaper? that’ll do it, huh?

    How in the world does it still happen when we have written it down that they can’t do it?

    It’s a fuggin mystery!

    What are we to do?

    I KNOW!! Make more posters! That’s the ticket.

    Whew. I feel safer already. More posters is the answer, peeps!

    ohfugwimee and joe are geniuses. We’re just too stupid to see it.

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