University chancellor installs ‘escape hatch’ in office to flee student protesters – IOTW Report

University chancellor installs ‘escape hatch’ in office to flee student protesters

EAG: BERKELEY, Calif. – Student protests at the University of California Berkeley are apparently getting so out of hand that the school’s chancellor recently had an escape hatch installed in his office to “provide egress” when students storm the administration building.

Workers spent last weekend installing a special $9,000 door in the hallway outside of Chancellor Nicholas Dirks’ office in California Hall after a series of increasingly aggressive student protests in 2015, including one in which students commandeered the lobby outside of the office and refused to leave, Quartz reports.


10 Comments on University chancellor installs ‘escape hatch’ in office to flee student protesters

  1. Hell, why not? The president has his jet to escape responsibility. Take the money and run to the most expensive resort you can find, and be sure you bill the government. That IS the liberal way, that Berkely teaches, isn’t it.

    Just like congress- rules are for everyone except those making them. Create chaos, so the people won’t see the boatloads of money going out the ‘escape hatches’, before you leave.

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