University of Georgia Socialist Group Under Police Investigation After Calling for Beheading Republicans – IOTW Report

University of Georgia Socialist Group Under Police Investigation After Calling for Beheading Republicans

Breitbart: A student group at the University of Georgia is facing a police investigation after saying on Twitter that Republicans should be “guillotined.”

Responding to a story about a professor at the Art Institute of Washington who allegedly claimed that House Republicans should be “lined up and shot,” the Young Democratic Socialists at the University of Georgia reportedly tweeted that the Republican members of the House should instead be “guillotined.”

David Littmann, the founder of the Young Democratic Socialists chapter at the University of Georgia who graduated in 2016, claimed that the tweet was made in jest.

“I wouldn’t have made that joke myself, but it is clearly and obviously facetious,” Littmann said. “As a strict pacifist, I believe that all violence is immoral, period. But it’s absurd to take the joke literally.”

The University of Georgia announced on their official Twitter account that the campus police department is investigating the matter. According to the statement, the students involved in the group may also be facing an investigation by the Office of Student Conduct, which oversees student organizations.

In response to a storm of criticism and a statement from administrators claiming that the campus police department is investigating their call for violence, the Young Democratic Socialists chapter announced that they would disassociate from the University. The student group deleted not only the offending tweet but their Twitter account in its entirety.  more here

6 Comments on University of Georgia Socialist Group Under Police Investigation After Calling for Beheading Republicans

  1. Commies in the open again. Why is the entire State of Georgia not condemning their presence? Why is this nation accepting genocidal organizations, this cannot be 1A protected.

  2. The more of theses fight backs that I see, the bigger the speck of hope I feel that America is sick and tired of the left’s violence.

    A good, but frightening read on where tolerance of the progressive take over of America is headed : PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC by Kurt Schlichter.

  3. Socialism is a coercive system.
    It cannot function without violence.
    It cannot function in an arena of Liberty.
    It cannot function in a society which subscribes to our Bill of Rights.
    And while beheading your opposition may be a joking matter to some, it probably isn’t to the ones beheaded.
    This is precisely why Freedom of Speech should be, not only allowed, but encouraged – so that we know these people by their own words.

    Discretion may be the better part of valor, but socialists rarely display any.
    So – let em shout it from the rooftops!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “…it’s absurd to take the joke literally.”

    You mean like you do with every Trump tweet? That would be absurd. But we are not taking your joke literally. We are taking your threat seriously. There is a difference.

  5. Speaking against Obama’s policies is inciting violence. Calling for the beheading of political opponents is a joke that no one should take seriously.

    Their aim, of course, it to desensitize us to such talk so that when they start putting it into practice we can be easily silenced.

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