University of North Carolina Trustees do their job and save school from granting tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 Project – IOTW Report

University of North Carolina Trustees do their job and save school from granting tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 Project

American Thinker

By Thomas Lifson

The people of North Carolina dodged a bullet when the Trustees of the University of North Carolina acted to deny a grant of tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones at the University’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media, leaving in place a five-year contract to teach there that the school had offered to recruit her.

The denial of tenure was first reported by NC Policy Watch:

As Policy Watch reported last week, UNC-Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media pursued Hannah-Jones for its Knight Chair in Race and Investigative Journalism, a tenured professorship. But following political pressure from conservatives who object to her work on “The 1619 Project” for The New York Times Magazine, the school changed its plan to offer her tenure — which amounts to a career-long appointment. Instead, she will start July 1 for a fixed five-year term as Professor of the Practice, with the option of being reviewed for tenure at the end of that time period.


5 Comments on University of North Carolina Trustees do their job and save school from granting tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones of the 1619 Project

  1. My sister and a good friend and I have had many conversations as to how the world will be when the Wuhan Flu is finished. I do not think that the Global Elites realize how wrong they have been and are.
    We think that there will be numerous colleges and universities which will go out of business OR be extremely downsized (this was already happening as people who have spent $ 60,000 + on degrees with no viable employment were already warning others to NOT go to college); the K-12 school system will be downsized, there will NOT be a need for as much corporate real estate, more people will work from home and live in the country (less expensive) AND the “social betters” in the media and entertainment worlds (I include Sports here) will fade away.
    It will be interesting to see if we are proved right.


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