University of North Georgia: ‘Avoid saying mailman’ – IOTW Report

University of North Georgia: ‘Avoid saying mailman’

Campus Reform: Students received a “gender unicorn” and “LGBTQ-Inclusive Language” at a University of North Georgia “safe zone training” on Tuesday.

The school invited students to a “university-wide training program committed to making the University of North Georgia a safer, more inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQ+ community” earlier in March, according to an email obtained by Campus Reform. The email went on to describe the March 22 through April 3 trainings as opportunities for students to “examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege.”

Campus Reform attended one of the training sessions held on March 26 on the UNG-Dahlonega campus.

During the training, attendees were given handouts that featured a “Gender Unicorn,” which was used to differentiate one’s “gender identity,” “gender expression,” “sex assigned at birth,” and how they were “physically” and “emotionally attracted.” All categories had an “other” option.  more here

16 Comments on University of North Georgia: ‘Avoid saying mailman’

  1. This “university” used to be known as North Georgia Military College and they used to produce good quality military leaders back when most of America was still sane. This was a pretty good school back in the day (like only 20 years ago), but it has obviously become absorbed by the current political apparatus that despises everything that is right and just in the world.

    The only viable option for America to survive as a going concern is for every honest, American patriot to literally burn every institution of “higher learning” to the ground and sift the ashes for signs of sanity.

    America must stop providing student loans to “students” that have no capacity to think critically, and kill every college professor and administrator that continues to propagate the garbage that is being taught in colleges these days.

    And get the f^#$ off or my lawn you pieces of maleducated pig dung!

    And @chescalais (the idiot in the video at the link) should be banned from breathing because she is too stoooooopid to do even that correctly.

  2. All of america’s critical institutions have been successfully infiltrated by rabid leftists. I see no practical way of rooting them out other than force of arms.
    Let the fun begin.

  3. Sorry, I will continue calling our sub who is pretty dumb the stupid mailman and our regular who is actually good at her job, our maillady. If I don’t know who is delivering the mail that day, they are always the mailman.

  4. Mine is a Letter Carrier, and a treasure. She was the first to welcome me to my new home. In this rural area being a letter carrier is a challenge. Her vehicle is Jeep CJ and it gets put through it’s paces out here. “Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds.” is alive and well in this fine lady.


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