University of San Francisco Professor Says Female Professors Should be Paid Extra for ‘Emotional Labor’ – IOTW Report

University of San Francisco Professor Says Female Professors Should be Paid Extra for ‘Emotional Labor’

Breitbart: A professor at the University of San Francisco argues that female professor should receive additional compensation for their “emotional labor.”

University of San Francisco professor Brandi Lawless argued in an academic journal article that female academics should receive additional compensation for their “emotional labor.”

The journal article, which was recently highlighted in a piece by Campus Reform reporter Toni Airaksinen, opens with a description of an email exchange that Lawless had with a student who had recently lost a close family member. Lawless was shocked when the student wasn’t satisfied with the level of emotional support that she provided in her first response email.  more

15 Comments on University of San Francisco Professor Says Female Professors Should be Paid Extra for ‘Emotional Labor’

  1. In NoCal 180 years ago the Colies were even more oppressed. Some still say “Chink”. So Chinese Profs (and I had a few 55 years ago; Ronnie’s friend Sam was Nisei, but folk outside of NoCal cant tell the dif, and he was callec “Chink”) should get a H*ll of a lot more!
    I’m being faceitious. “… All men are created equal!”! How Ronnie attacked JFK’s “Quotas”! I agree. None are more equal than others!

  2. I have to say, after reading this, my Johnson feels totally unappreciated …. can he at least get a hug?

    no? … where’s the love?

    ok then … his ’emotional labor’ demands compensation
    … the heavy lifting alone is worth it!

    c’mon … don’t dick w/ me
    (ya wanna be stupid … I can definitely play that game!)

  3. Fudge….. my Alma Mater.

    look, all i can tell you is that when I went there, if you missed 3 classes you got an F. If you missed a class, more than likely one of the Jesuit priest would come knocking on your door demanding to know why.Which….obviously…. happened to me quite a bit.

    Apologies to all offended by this egregious descent into insanity. Our alumnus association will scream bloody murder over this, i can assure you.

  4. USF’s Brandi Lawless Biography [sic] is worth reading for entertainment value.

    Brandi Lawless is an Assistant Professor in the Communication Studies department. Broadly, her area of research can be defined as critical intercultural communication. Within this realm of communication, she is interested in the ways individuals (re)produce and communicate their ever-changing identities. Specifically, her research has focused on the intersections of race and class. Her most recent work has explored the communication practices of a national nonprofit organization attempting to end poverty in the U.S. Within this work, she attempts to identify dominant ideologies, hegemonic systems that perpetuate such taken for granted beliefs, and status-based hierarchies. She is also interested in everyday performances of identity. In other words, her work explores the ways in which individuals perform their class(es) and race(s) in contexts such as the classroom, the workplace, and in close relationships.

    In other other words, she sits around and makes shit up and wants more money.

    And as for that “intersection of race and class” I think I want to rip out the speed limit signs and gimmick the traffic light so it’s green in all directions.


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