University stops prof from giving women better grades for being women – IOTW Report

University stops prof from giving women better grades for being women

Without a boost, female students might not make the cut

College Fix: The University of Akron has put its foot down against a professor who planned to raise the grades of female students so they would stay in his field of information sciences.

After The College Fix quoted an email to students from Liping Liu, an administrator told The Fix that the business and management professor’s gender-based approach was “unacceptable” and that no grades have been artificially raised.  more

15 Comments on University stops prof from giving women better grades for being women

  1. The University of Akron must have as it’s goals teach students for the real world. Not indoctrinate in liberal stupidity. I know for a fact it is a good school.

  2. Are they gonna cut out race-based Affirmative Action, too?
    Sex-based Affirmative Action makes just as much sense.
    As would Ugly-based Affirmative Action (where ugly people (like me) could get a leg up in the Pretty world) – face it – you have to be attractive to succeed.
    Or maybe Retard-based Affirmative Action – where morons get an “A” for just filling out the paperwork properly (with help, of course).

    Even if the “professor” doesn’t declare its intent, there’s nothing to stop it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There is no faking in the world of IT. You either know what you are doing or not. You can write good, functional code or you can’t. You can either design, configure and implement a secure and reliable network or you cannot.

  4. I’m with Bubba. Did some graduate and post-grad work at Action U. back in the day and also used its science and tech library often for one of my jobs – very good school. Apparently, some of its common sense finally worked its way up Ohio Route 59 to Kent, as was evident at Kent State last week! ;^)

  5. A female friend told me that in the bathroom across the hall from a philandering sociology professor’s office this was written on the wall:

    Take the B girls… The A isn’t worth it

  6. Granting a higher mark based on gender is a good way to cheapen the degree for all but especially for women. They won’t even get interviews once it’s known then they’ll complain that there is gender discrimination in the workforce. This professor wasn’t doing them any favors and if he’s dumb enough not to have seen that I wonder if he’s smart enough to be teaching the class.

  7. @BUBBA May 20, 2018 at 9:04 am

    > I know for a fact it is a good school.

    WAS a good school. Past tense. (And maybe.)

    They’ve already hired, at least one, professor who will not only say, in public, but record for posterity (maybe being an IT instructor, they were convinced nobody would ever know, after the deed was done) grade inflation for a pet class. I know some of the mathematically inclined, here, will know that it IS possible for an instructor to teach students better than they know. But, I assure you, I’m too slow to understand that.

  8. When these college gals were in kindergarten, the narrative was “Teachers ignore girls in class and pick boys to answer questions”. And the progs were going to fix that. So now, a generation later, we see their solution to a nonexistent problem, and it turns out just like we knew it would.

  9. I live in Akron, aka Crack-run. Years of open enrollment have destroyed the University of Akron. The Akron Public Schools (the primary source of U of A students)in my opinion are sub-standard. It cost as much if not more to attended this ghetto college than it does Ohio State! No wonder there’s been numerous college presidents over the last few years. If you’re parent and live in Akron you don’t send your kids to Akron Public Schools or the University of Akron. Both are less than basic.

  10. Considering today’s campus environment and the push to roll women into gender/social studies, I’d say the ladies in his Information Sciences class, regardless of grades, acquired invaluable knowledge.
    1) Information: in the real world, you will be hired/promoted/fired based on your knowledge and skill sets.
    2) Science: you will not be hired/promoted/fired based on your XX chromosomes.

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