Univision Poll Wants To Know: ‘Have You Died Because Of Coronavirus?’ – IOTW Report

Univision Poll Wants To Know: ‘Have You Died Because Of Coronavirus?’

Federalist: A question on a new poll released by Univision, surveying Latinos about the upcoming presidential election, asked registered voters if they died from the Wuhan virus.

“Over the past few months, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, have you, or someone in your household: Died because of coronavirus?” question 42 asked.

According to the question results, 89 percent of people answered that they, in fact, did not die from COVID-19, nor did anyone in their household. more

14 Comments on Univision Poll Wants To Know: ‘Have You Died Because Of Coronavirus?’

  1. Well Biden thinks 200 million died. Tonight he said all of us had someone not here because of Covid. Here’s how brain dead they all are about Covid, outside of just a few areas across this country, everyone I’ve met in my travels are sick of anything Covid and have given up on even getting sick from it, much less dying.

  2. Here is the better question.

    How many people do you know who have died from covid-19 that will still be voting next month?

    (btw, if someone already mailed in their ballot, then died before election day. Should their vote still count? After all they won’t be here to either benefit or suffer from their vote choice. Plus people are elected to represent the interest of the living, not the dead.)

  3. Been around a long time, know a lot of people, had the same phone number since 1976.
    I have heard of nobody dying from Coronafarce-19, none, naught, zero, zip, goose egg, zilch, aught and for our Spanish speakers, ninguneos.

    So posts stack from new down now, I like it.
    Hi five Bubba Fur.
    Who says new is not welcomed by old?

  4. I get up every day and check the o-bits and I haven’t seen my name in there yet. How much are the democrats paying for my name to show up in the covid-19 obituary column this week?

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