Unlicensed staff now has your medical records – IOTW Report

Unlicensed staff now has your medical records

AmericanThinker: I suppose it was bound to happen.  If you squeeze all the doctors and all the hospitals between high demands for medical services and low money, something’s got to give.  That’s the fantasy sales pitch Obama gave us when the Democrats voted 100% for cloud cuculand, and the voters (I hate to say) went along with it like idiots.


As even Bill Clinton said this week, O’care is a disaster.  (He said that not because he wants to free up the medical market, but because he wants the feds to have all the power in a single-payer system).

So I call my doctor’s office, and a young woman wants to know my private medical information – what medicines do you take?  What are they for?  All in total violation of the famous HIPAA privacy protection law.  This is a first for me.  She sounds like a teenager with an A.A. degree (at most) from the local community college.  She has no training, education, licensing, or even elementary knowledge of HIPAA to protect my privacy.  For all I know, she might sell my private information records to the nearest identity thief.  This is an open invitation for an even bigger database collapse, with highly personal information on millions of people.

You remember that old privacy guarantee?

Well, forget it! 

6 Comments on Unlicensed staff now has your medical records

  1. I knew it was coming down to this. I only give minimal information.

    Who to call in an emergency: 911
    Race: Human
    Medicines: None
    Questions about other family members: NOYFB

    There are “Fusion” spy centers in every state now. You cannot think that some democrat socialist moslem-lover won’t use all the information they gather against us. Just look how they use the IRS against us.

  2. When asked for my SSN in dodgy circumstances, I’ve been known to write one of these…


    It’s always a good idea in appropriate situations to ask, “I don’t disclose the information you’re asking for to anyone other than a licensed medical professional. Are you a doctor or RN or what?”

  3. Made a doctor appointment at a new office in my town. They sent me a living will to fill out and a psychological test with a request to send them in. I tore them up and cancelled the appointment.
    The doctor never set eyes on me and wanted all that info. The paperwork would have been first handled by the front desk air head. Also, it didn’t seem the doctor had much faith in her abilities if the first thing she wanted to know was when to pull the plug.

  4. doctor’s now routinely “fire” patients – one friend was told she was not longer a patient because she tested positive for marijuana, but didn’t list it in her “patient profile”….this is MY doctor who did this, btw……meanwhile, the hubby was told to step back to get his photo taken….he was, naturally, hesitant…they told him he could get his photo taken, or he could find a new doctor….

    anyone find a “new” doctor lately?….they’re all going out of business…..there are none accepting new patients…..

    all is proceeding according to plan……

  5. This is why I say Dems overturned Roe vs Wade, we no longer have a reasonable expectation of privacy. RvW reaffirmed a persons right to privacy, as one of the Justices stated in his opinion “if it can ever be proven when life begins then RvW can be overturned because one persons right to privacy does not override another persons right to life”. RvW was about privacy, not about killing children. The Laughable Control Act (formally known as Affordable Care Act) stripped every person of their right to privacy.

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