Unmasking the Medical Experts – IOTW Report

Unmasking the Medical Experts

American Thinker:

Masks have become an unwelcome staple of American life with no end in sight. Mask recommendations change faster and more frequently than the weather. How did we get here?

In the medical world, particularly in operating rooms, masks protect patients undergoing surgery from bacteria passing from the mouths and noses of surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists, to an open surgical wound.

The Rolls Royce of masks is the N95 mask, used by healthcare workers when caring for COVID infected individuals. Assuming the mask is properly fitted and worn, a given for healthcare workers (but much less likely for a shopper in the grocery store), they are generally effective.

I say generally because the COVID virus is about 0.125 microns in size while the N95 mask pores are larger, at 0.3 microns. But the N95 mask is not simply a miniature chain link fence but uses fibers and electrostatic charges to capture viral particles. read more

h/t NAAC

21 Comments on Unmasking the Medical Experts

  1. @ Chickity China the Chinese Chicken FEBRUARY 23, 2021 AT 12:07 PM

    There isn’t anyone who subscribes to the “progressive” worldview who isn’t an aspiring Mengele. Not one.

  2. Your statement “The Rolls Royce of masks is the N95 mask, used by healthcare workers when caring for COVID infected individuals.” Is not correct. What you describe is a respirator. Masks (you’ve described correctly) and respirators are two entirely separate things. N95 can be thought of as a standard which certain respirators much conform to. While surgical masks are also expected to meet their own requirements the two cannot be used interchangeably. The point in all of this is that masks available to the general public are absolutely ineffectual in stopping the transmission of viruses. Even is you wear two or more.

  3. I am still asking the question as to why the government did not pursue both a cure/treatment for the virus and a better quality mask parallel to working post haste on the development of a vaccine!

  4. Anonymous: the reason we are having so many cases of the Conjob flu is because people are not taking the necessary precautions to avoid it. The reason why there are barely any cases of the regular flu is because of the precautions people are taking to a valid the Conjob flu. Honest. I have actually read that.

    Yesterday I had an appointment to for a pacemaker checkup at the local hospital. Like a good boy, I put a mask on before I walked in the door. I had to check in with a guard. As I walked up to the desk (with the required clear plastic shield around it), he handed me another mask. “We don’t allow outside masks.”

    He the proceeded to ask me all of the required questions: had I been outside of the country, did I have any symptoms, was I required to isolate, had I been in contact with anyone who was required to isolate, etc. Etc. Etc.

    It then took me maybe 30 seconds to walk to the desk where I checked in for my appointment. I was asked if I had any Conjob symptoms. I really wanted to say “Yes, I have developed serious symptoms in the 30 seconds it took me to walk here after checking in with the guard at the entrance,” but I didn’t. These people have no sense of humour.

    I have thought about saying, “No I don’t have Conjob symptoms but I do have a virulent case of TB.”

  5. For all that still follow this bloviating,still trying to stretch that 15 minutes asshole….if you still believe all this crap, do us all a favor…instead of multiple masks…just put a plastic bag over your head….it’s cheaper and will be a courtesy to the rest of us.

  6. Fauci is just an overpaid bureaucrat who the left saw as the ultimate useful idiot in the covid scam.

    Fauci, of course, is for sale to anyone.

    Mock him harshly, and mock him often.

  7. Little Eefer (Fauci) is a fraud, a hoax, a sad joke. Masks are for keeping our spirit down. The second i walk out of a store, it comes off. It’s theatre, …not comedy, but a tragedy.

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