Unpacking the truth about NATO and Ukraine – IOTW Report

Unpacking the truth about NATO and Ukraine

The Blaze

The propaganda campaign supporting America’s proxy war against Russia has been unprecedented. But reality is starting to break through.

In his historic endorsement of Donald Trump for president in August, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told the country that his support was based on the men’s shared beliefs in how best to save America. One of the most important, stopping the neoconservatives’ endless wars, begins with ending the war in Ukraine.

And for world leaders, opposing the Ukraine war is a matter of life and death. Donald Trump’s most recent alleged would-be assassin is a pro-Ukrainian fanatic who wanted Trump dead for opposing the war. He has offered a $150,000 bounty to any psychopath who completes his murderous mission.


3 Comments on Unpacking the truth about NATO and Ukraine

  1. “NATO promises 10 more years of war.”
    NATO promises to continue send our money to the military industrial complex, to give more illegal aliens money to break the US economy, with the blessing of the Dumb Asses in DC.


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