Unraveling the Online Retail Conspiracy and the Fight Against Child Exploitation – IOTW Report

 Unraveling the Online Retail Conspiracy and the Fight Against Child Exploitation

TORE: In the past few weeks, I have observed “Catfishing for Activist Engagement”. This is a known tactic in the Intelligence Community to discredit and distract effective activism against the subject matter at hand. This is a deceptive practice where individuals or groups create misleading or entirely fictitious online advertisements, profiles, or scenarios. These are strategically designed to appear as if they are related to child exploitation activities. The primary objective of these false ads is not to engage in such illicit activities but rather to attract, identify, or engage individuals who are vehemently opposed to child exploitation. I will not only demonstrate the reality of PIZZAGATE but I will also give you IRREFUTABLE PROOF that they are catfishing but the catfishing is also a mode to possibly hide illicit activity.

The “Comet Pizza” case, also known as “Pizzagate,” is a conspiracy theory that emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle. The theory claimed that high-ranking Democratic Party officials were running a child sex trafficking ring out of a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant called Comet Ping Pong. The theory was based on the belief that the emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, contained coded messages that referred to human trafficking and pedophilia. The theory gained traction on social media and was widely circulated.

David Seaman, a former writer for TheStreet and Huffington Post gained notoriety for his role in debunking the “Comet Pizza” conspiracy theory, which claimed that a Washington, D.C. pizza restaurant was involved in a child sex trafficking ring. He wrote several articles and made numerous appearances on television and radio to refute the claims back in 2016 and 2017. more here

4 Comments on  Unraveling the Online Retail Conspiracy and the Fight Against Child Exploitation

  1. MJA, Marry Jane Ankle Straps. God that’s so hot. Where was I? Oh yea, Tore. MJA kept mentioning this women. I only do Instagram. Turns out that’s Tores fav media. Every bit as good as Tucker Carlson. I’m not joking. She has some money behind her. If you find a place to follow her, do so. She has a good team.
    I started following Pizza Gate about a year ago. WTF is going on with Pedos and Pizza?

  2. Podesta is the sick fuck who had the bizarre paintings of children and who is a friend of the blood witch lady popular in DC society. The idea that he (and the people connected to him) are part of a child sex trafficking ring is hardly a stretch.


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