Unseen and Unsaid: The most telling character difference between Trump and Biden – IOTW Report

Unseen and Unsaid: The most telling character difference between Trump and Biden


Something occurred to me recently while watching a post-debate Frank Luntz focus group. Comprising undecided voters who liked neither Trump nor Biden, the participants nonetheless believed the president won the debate and most said they’d probably vote for him as “the lesser of two evils.” Their preference for him on policy overrode their higher estimation of Biden’s character.

If they were to read what follows, however, I think they might change that estimation. No, this won’t be about Burisma and Ukraine and China and Russia and Hunter. It’s about something almost universally missed. 

It was mentioned in Thursday’s debate how Trump called flip-flop king Anthony Fauci an “idiot.” The president is known for sometimes hurling names (just ask Rosie O’Donnell), and perhaps those undecided voters and some others view him as being the bull in a china shop of human relations. But let’s talk about personal attacks.

Biden, “Lunch-bucket Joe,” has this “Aw, shucks!” image as a nice guy. But the 84-year-old retired farmer who questioned him at an event last year may not agree. He’s the guy Biden immediately got aggressive with, called a “damn liar,” appeared to call “fat” and — being the Izzy Mandelbaum of politics — challenged to a strength contest

Then there was the time, earlier this year, when Biden told a worker who questioned him on the Second Amendment, “You’re full of s***” (video below). Once again, instead of trying to explain why he thought the man was misinformed, Lunch-bucket Joe’s first instinct was to get nasty — really nasty.  more

14 Comments on Unseen and Unsaid: The most telling character difference between Trump and Biden

  1. The most telling character difference is that the Leftist media puts words into Trump’s mouth that he didn’t say, and ignores or covers up what Biden says. So an unskeptical public thinks Trump is an uncaring racist person and Biden is going to make everything better.
    Fortunately there are a lot of skeptics, but not as many as there should be.

  2. “…The most telling character difference….”

    There are many, to be certain.
    But for me, despite the payoffs and collusions, the most ‘telling’ difference is that joe biden knew his son was fucking one of his grand daughters. And did nothing.
    That is sufficient for me.
    -> The mole and scar at her left ankle.
    Our intelligence community had all the necessary information for almost a year and they did nothing.
    If biden wins, I’m bailing.

  3. Trump has the steely-eyed conviction of a man comfortable in his own skin, a man of destiny who not only understands right from wrong but has the will to champion it. Guided by a fervent unsatiable sense of patriotism, he is a master at the long game, that America really is this world’s last great hope in starring down despotism and misery. He more than anyone understands that when America is strong, the world prospers.

    Sleepy joe is none of these things, he is a vacillating bowl of jello, ill-equipped to craft any lasting vision of America. He is weak, unprincipled, and singularly lacking in any significant presidential qualities. He lacks clarity and any moral compass to husband his actions. He is incapable of understanding American Exceptionalism and has his own interests instead of the countries at heart.

  4. Conservative Cowgirl – Don’t forget that Jackass Joe is the dumbest White man in history who tried to lynch a Black man with a pubic hair!

    Biden is China’s bought & paid for clapping monkey.
    Donald Trump is his own man!

  5. “… their higher estimation of Biden’s character…”
    and the fact that at this point they remain UNDECIDED leads to the obvious conclusion that they are IDIOTS.


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