UNSTABLE NON-GENIUS: Biden Aides Feared ‘Cranky’ Candidate’s ‘Epic Tongue-Lashings,’ Book Finds – IOTW Report

UNSTABLE NON-GENIUS: Biden Aides Feared ‘Cranky’ Candidate’s ‘Epic Tongue-Lashings,’ Book Finds



Biden’s volatile temper almost got the best of him, the authors report, during a July 2019 primary debate, when his future running mate, Kamala Harris, attacked him for befriending racist senators and promoting racist legislation. Biden was “pissed” and “steaming inside” following Harris’s broadside, which would prove to be the high-water mark of her presidential campaign. During a commercial break, a seething Biden turned to his podium neighbor Pete Buttigieg and stammered, “This is just a bunch of bullshit!” — MORE HERE

9 Comments on UNSTABLE NON-GENIUS: Biden Aides Feared ‘Cranky’ Candidate’s ‘Epic Tongue-Lashings,’ Book Finds

  1. Remember when Jackass Joe told Jerry Wayne: “You’re full of shit, I support the Second Amendment.”

    “I’m not working for you. Give me a break, man.

    Don’t be such a horse’s ass!”

    Well who’s the horse’s ass that’s full of shit now, huh???

  2. His entire life Joey has been an ass, dumb, and a dumbass. Liar, pervert, laughable braggart.

    But entirely without shame are the jerks that have voted for him. Because they eat up his bullshit like manna.
    “Joe paved my grandma’s driveway.” Yeah, Joe did it with Joe’s money, jackasses. You own him.

    And now, in ridiculousness of historic proportions, he is POTUS*

  3. according to the transcript revealed in Conservative Tree House, Biden is a paedophile and hates black people. He is despicable. BFH & MJA – I am profoundly thankful you dared to post that article and link. I had no idea of just how vast and evil the Deep State really is.

    As for this book, the authors say, “Ultimately, Biden made his own decisions, and got cranky when they were made for him,” I call that complete and utter bullshit. The authors are knowingly covering for Biden and covering up his doddering senile dementia. C’mon man, Greezy Joe hasn’t made any decisions on anything since at least two years ago.


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