Unsubscribing from E-mail Spam is like a Bad Breakup – IOTW Report

Unsubscribing from E-mail Spam is like a Bad Breakup

8 Comments on Unsubscribing from E-mail Spam is like a Bad Breakup

  1. Most times I unsubscribe to idiot companies that recently became WOKE.
    Take Dicks Sporting Goods for instance.
    I wrote them an excellent, respectful, but spiteful email telling them I would never buy a damn thing from them.
    I finished with “good luck in bankruptcy court and don’t dare send me another fucking solicitous email or I may conscribe one of my guns that you hate.”
    “Yours truly, LOCO.”

  2. It sure is like a breakup, unsubscribing from email spam, that is. And when I finally log off my computer, I like to go out and lay my hands on young women and even girls in a totally inappropriate manner. Rub ’em, nuzzle ’em. I love to handle that young flesh without a trace of consent and make people cringe. It’s what I do!

  3. Yeah, a company I’ve purchased products from once in awhile going back ten years used to never send me any emails.

    Then for a year or so would send maybe 6 emails per year. Often not pushing a product, just a notice of some article of possible interest the owner posted to their blog, which were often an interesting read. Which was okay.

    They must have hired some new young marketing director about six months ago. I started receiving emails from them every gosh darned day. Sometimes two per day. I kept hoping the rate would drop off. It didn’t. I sent them the breakup message.

    More recently I’ve received emails, that look quite official, saying my cloud account has been breached and my account would be disabled until I contact the company security tech support. At some suspicious looking IP address (which I traced to Russia) I ignored them.

    Today they started calling my home with essentially the same message. Three calls before noon. I finally called them back just in case it was authentic. When they wanted me to power up my laptop and wanted to install some kind of disk cleaner. Seeing the website they directed me to I smelled a Rat that sounded like a female Gandhi. Later I found they’ve also been calling my mother-in-law who doesn’t own a computer.


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